Marius de la Focsani - Poate vei veni

Thread: Marius de la Focsani - Poate vei veni

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  1. PIMOS said:

    Talking Marius de la Focsani - Poate vei veni

  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    De ce m-am nascut sa ma chinuiesc
    De ce mi-a fost scris sa te iubesc
    Poate viata mea n-ar fi fost asa
    Daca intalneam pe-altcineva

    why was i born to struggle
    why was written to me to love you
    maybe my life wouldn't have been like this
    if i had met someone else

    De ce m-am nascut sa patimesc
    De ce m-am nascut sa ma chinuiesc
    Cine m-a ursit sa te intalnesc
    De ce oare mi-a fost scris sa te iubesc.

    why was i born to suffer
    why was i born to struggle
    who predestinated to meet you
    why was written to me to love you

    Si zilele trec cand apar noptile
    Si cand vreau sa adorm tu imi furi visele
    Raze de luna imi bat la geam
    O inima franta e tot ce mai am

    and days pass when nights appear
    and when i want to sleep you steal my dreams
    moonbeams get on my window
    a broken heart is all i have left

    Poate vei veni
    Maine-n zori de zi
    Inca te astept
    Ca in prima zi

    maybe you will come
    tomorrow in the morning
    i'm still waiting for you
    like in the first day

    E prea mare paharul si e plin cu venin
    E prea greu pentru mine dar il beau si suspin
    Cat as vrea sa-l golesc tot plin ramane
    Si durerea ma rapune

    the glass is too big and is full of venom
    is too heavy for me but i drink it and sigh
    i'd like to empty the glass but it remains full
    and the pain kills me

    E prea mare paharul si e plin cu venin
    E prea greu pentru mine dar il beau si suspin
    Cat as vrea sa-l golesc tot plin ramane
    Si durerea ma rapune
    la pamant ma pune

    the glass is too big and is full of venom
    is too heavy for me but i drink it and sigh
    i'd like to empty the glass but it remains full
    and the pain kills me
    gets me on the ground
  3. PIMOS said:


    Thank a lot
  4. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    u r welcome