Elusive songs!

Thread: Elusive songs!

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  1. poptropika said:

    Default Elusive songs!

    I have been hearing this song intermittantly for the past couple of months but I cannot find the name. I've never heard it before and so I susepct it is new 2012 or maybe 2011 - don't think it's older than that. It's a female vocalist. Beautiful bright voice. Good strong upbeat tempo...at some place I can make out these distinct last words in what sounds like the chorus, "...Here in this place." I thought it was Katy Perry, but I have had no success...
    Anyone out there knows. Go let me know. Thanks.
  2. poptropika said:


    Yikes... I think I'm like one of those kooky customers at the grocery store who just seconds after asking the grocery man, "Excuse me, where are the wheeties?" I spot the wheeties box. Dumb dumb dumb. I found the song . "We found love" -Rihanna . And I've found my song. Whee! The hunt is over.