looking for song, know quite a few lyrics

Thread: looking for song, know quite a few lyrics

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  1. elbarto7 said:

    Default looking for song, know quite a few lyrics

    From a documentary. No soundtrack listing. Can't remember title of documentary anymore.

    Gentle breezes swaying
    sultry moonlight night
    leaves are softly saying
    everythings all right
    what a night for playing
    what a night for chicas love so lovely
    lips that kiss and legs that sway
    like palm trees up above]
    two hearts beating latin time
    the rhythm pounds of love
    crickets try to tell you
    teach me here and there
    I'm your mademoiselle
    as youtouch me everywhere
    it's a magic carousel
    like chicas
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    I think Fence replied to this before "The Glitch"

    http://able2know.org/topic/51792-1 So it must be pre 2005
    Ρεμπέτικο για πάντα. Μάγκες είμαστε.
  3. Fence Sitter said:


    [edit] Thanks Mixalopoulos. I must have missed the topic earlier, indeed I had responded before. I had just noticed it and went through the motions to find the link. Posting I see you've already replied ... you've got a good memory. [/edit]

    elbarto7, can you remember what sort of documentary even if you can't remember what it was? It would help if you had an idea of nationality the documentary is based, ie UK, US etc.

    Did the words seem appropriate etc to the section of the documentary?

    It must be 2005 or prior judging by a similar request made in May 2005.

    Last edited by Fence Sitter; 11-30-2012 at 07:40 AM. Reason: Saw a reply