To keep alive the trust.
What a nice song. Can we get the lyrics and a translation, please?
Falemenderit shumë
To keep alive the trust.
What a nice song. Can we get the lyrics and a translation, please?
Falemenderit shumë
Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr
What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
I found the lyrics:
Can I get a better translation than Google
yje jo mos me qortoni bashk me mua te kendoni
kam 1 bren ne kraharor se jam larg ne diaspor
e kam nje bren ne kraharor, se jam larg ne diaspor,
dhe pse jam ne fund te botes nene me prit te pragu i portes
sa i rend qenka kurbeti per baban malli me treti
e sa i rend qenka kurbeti per baban malli me treti
aman aman diaspor po na pret nena e gjor
do ta lem nje dit kurbetin ta mbajme gjalle amanetin
e po aman aman diaspor po na pret nena e gjor
do ta lem nje dit kurbetin ta mbajme gjalle amanetin
e sa shum qe kam ta malle se nusja mu be me djale
e kur un shoh fotografite plot me lot me mbushen syte
e kur une shoh fotografite plot me lot me mbushen syte,
ika lash nene e babane u nda motra me vellane
nje nga nje neper evrope bej bashke i madhi zote
o nje nga nje neper evrope bej bashke i madhi zote
per ju po kendoj shqiptare diaspor ne bot te mbare
e gjyshia pret te pragu i portes kthehuni nga fundi i botes
gjyshia pret te pragu i portes kthehuni na fundi i botes
Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr
What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
Can we get the lyrics and a translation, please
Kurbeti - Albanians call the life outside of albania/kosovo/wherever they come from the 'Kurbet' or 'Gurbet', which just means the thing of leaving your home for a "better life"
Stars, no, don't reprove me, sing with me together
I have a con in my chest, because I'm far away in the diaspora
I have a con in my chest, because I'm far away in the diaspora
And even if I'm at the end of the world, mother, wait for me at the gate's threshold
It's so hard, this life (outside the country) melted me with yearning for my father
It's so hard, this life melted me with yearning for my father
Aman aman, Diaspora, poor mother is waiting for us
One day we will leave this life (outside of the country), to keep the last wish alive
Oh Aman aman, Diaspora, poor mother is waiting for us
One day we will leave this life to keep the last wish alive
And how much I have to yearn for, because my wife has born a boy
And when I see the photographs my eyes fill with tears
And when I see the photographs my eyes fill with tears
I went away, Left mother and father, Sister and brother seperated
One by one all over Europe put them back together, great god
One by one all over Europe put them back together, great god
I'm singing for you albanians, Diaspora all over the world
And grandmother is waiting an the gate's threshold, return from the end of the world
And grandmother is waiting an the gate's threshold, return from the end of the world
I had to use google translate for some words to be honest, but yeah thats what I meant haha
Ha ha me too!
Sometimes you can translate songs with Google, but most of the time, it's useless.
Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr
What if they gave a fire and nobody came.