Mabrook Ya 3aris [Old Wedding Song]

Thread: Mabrook Ya 3aris [Old Wedding Song]

Tags: wedding, wedding song
  1. liviapj's Avatar

    liviapj said:

    Question Mabrook Ya 3aris [Old Wedding Song]

    Hi, guys. I was wondering who first recorded this song:

    I thought it was recorded by the great Sabah, however, it seems I was wrong. Do you have any clue?? Can you ask your parents?

    I also ask you to complete the Arabic lyrics, please. And of course, fell free to comment the English version. Here in Brazil this song became famous about 10 years ago sung by the bellydancer Gisele in an orientalistic soap opera about Morroco. Old arabic people here could not remember who first recorded it. Thank u in advance.

    مبروك يا عريس
    Mabruk ia ariz
    Congratulations to the groom

    و عرستك زين
    U arustak zein
    And also to the bride

    ست الحلوين اه يا نور العين
    Set el heluin ah ia nur el aain
    Lady of beauty, oh light of the eyes

    مبروك مبروك
    Mabruk mabruk

    الفين مبروك
    Alfein mabruk
    To both

    Aala el heluin ah ia nur el aain
    Lady of beauty, oh light of the eyes

    Ia sabaia zefu aarussetna
    Girls, letīs applaude our bride

    Aarussetna ia zinet haretna
    Our bride decoretes our street

    De'ul el mazamir
    Play the Muzmar

    Ulu la mim
    Tell me, for who?

    Aala el heluin ah ia nur el aain
    For the lady of beauty, oh the light of the eyes.
  2. liviapj's Avatar

    liviapj said:


    ;-( So fusty.... But I am really curious to hear the original track.
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by liviapj View Post
    الفين مبروك
    Alfein mabruk
    To both
    A thousand congratulations

    The rest:

    ya sokar el far7a dayeb
    tet.hano inshallah ya 7abayeb
    talo el 7elween
    sa2aloona meen
    ta7t el yasmeen
    w hal amarain
    mabrook mabrook...alfain mabrook

    ya labsa el tar7a elyoum 3eedek
    esmallah kelo 3ala eydeek
    el sha3r 7arer
    w kol mazameer
    3aresna ameer
    w ka7eel el 3ain
    mabrook mabrook
  4. liviapj's Avatar

    liviapj said:


    Wowww! As we would say in my country - "VIVA!!!"(aiwa). Could you write for me the rest in Arabic Caracters? Just if it's not asking too much, of course. ;-)

    Oh, I still wish someone one day (in 2021 maybe) will read this post and answer about the original track. Oh, if Sabah had recorded it years ago, that should be a pearl. I know I have a strange taste, perhaps I was born in wrong times :-P Thank you for your help and kindness.

    Almost forgot... The version they put in the soapopera (a little bit different) -
    Last edited by Mixalopoulos; 12-13-2012 at 03:12 PM.
  5. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Haha I might not be the girl for this, my arabic is not that good I'm afraid!

    pero de nada, I hope someone finds you the original soon!
  6. liviapj's Avatar

    liviapj said:


    I hope someone finds you the original soon!
    So do I! I am sure it will happen next year... or the next next, or the other one after the next one :-D As I told, I asked to some Arabs living here, of course older than me.... And they knew the song, but had no idea about the original voice! ;-( Shukran anyway!
    Last edited by VivaPalestina; 12-13-2012 at 05:08 PM.