Free Deejays - Din toate una

Thread: Free Deejays - Din toate una

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  1. asasas said:

    Thumbs up Free Deejays - Din toate una

    Dar fara domnisoare e ca o zi fara culoare,
    Nu va mai credeti frumuseti,
    Visati la cai verzi pe pereti.

    Hai stinge lumina ca sa fim tu si eu,
    Nu fii ca Sophia, sofisticata mereu,
    Nu stiu ce-i cu mine ca am un mare somn,
    And the summer is gone,
    Asa cum zice Alex, “Hai sa fim minim 2″,
    Mi-e sete de tine, de noi amandoi,
    Eu sunt pentru tine, tu zici sunt a ta
    Ah ah ah ah yeah eh eh

    Dar nu e vara nu e vara, (nu e, nu e)
    Tu chiar nu vezi ce frig e-afara, (e frig ma)
    Hai ia-ma, ia-ma azi, stii bine, (hai ca-i tare bine)
    E ca la meteo la mine. (ah, ce bine)

    Dar fara domnisoare e ca o zi fara culoare,
    Nu va mai credeti frumuseti,
    Visati la cai verzi pe pereti,
    Dar fara domnisoare e ca o zi fara culoare,
    Nu va mai credeti frumuseti (ca nu sunteti)
    Visati la cai verzi pe pereti,
    Doar baieti.

    Nu imi spune pleaca, nu imi spune asa,
    Adu-ti aminte baby, am vazut India (ce bine era)
    Si-oricat de departe, tu ai sa fi,
    Te rog stay with me tonight, tonight,
    Tu ma crezi so different dar eu nu sunt asa (nu nu)
    Look into my eyes si-ai sa vezi dragostea (da da)
    Una serenada iti voi canta
    La la la la yeah eh eh.

    Dar nu e vara nu e vara, (nu e, nu e)
    Tu chiar nu vezi ce frig e-afara, (e frig ma)
    Hai ia-ma, ia-ma azi, stii bine, (hai ca-i tare bine)
    E ca la meteo la mine. (ah, ce bine)

    Dar fara domnisoare e ca o zi fara culoare,
    Nu va mai credeti frumuseti,
    Visati la cai verzi pe pereti,
    Dar fara domnisoare e ca o zi fara culoare,
    Nu va mai credeti frumuseti (ca nu sunteti)
    Visati la cai verzi pe pereti,
    Doar baieti.

    Last edited by asasas; 12-10-2012 at 10:33 AM.
  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    but without ladies is like a day without color
    don't think about yourselves as beauties
    you dream about green horses on the wall (*about impossible things)

    cmon, turn off the light, to be only you and me
    don't be like Sophia, always sophisticated
    i don't know what's wrong with me cause i'm so sleepy
    And the summer is gone
    As Alex says "let's be minimum 2"
    i'm thirsty of you, of us
    i am for you, you say i am yours

    but is not summer, is not summer (is not)
    really can't you see how cold it's outside (hey it's cold)
    c'mon take me, take me today, yuo know well (c'mon cause it's so nice)
    is like at the weather with me (ah so good)

    but without ladies is like a day without color
    don't think about yourselves as beauties
    you dream about green horses on the wall
    but without ladies is like a day without color
    don't think about yourselves as beauties (cause you're not)
    you dream about green horses on the wall
    only boys

    don't tell me "leave", don't tell me that
    remember baby, we saw India (it was so good)
    and no mather how far you'll be
    please stay with me tonight
    you think i am so different, but i'm not like that (no no)
    look into my eyes and you'll see love (yes yes)
    i'll sing you a serenade
    La la la la yeah eh eh.

    * i posted those songs (all big hits in ro) cause the lyrics refer to them, even the title says it: din toate una - from all (just) one
    Last edited by kmmy; 12-10-2012 at 07:53 AM.