The Beasts of the Sky

Thread: The Beasts of the Sky

Tags: beast, lightning, metaphor, sky, thunder
  1. Thunder Dash said:

    Default The Beasts of the Sky

    A beast in the sky
    Trashing about
    Like a never-ending rage
    An unbeatable force

    Many have tried
    To tame this beast
    By prayer, or by dancing,
    Or by mysterious rituals

    Bang! Boom!
    Crash! Bam!
    Not even the bravest
    Could face this beast

    A flash darts across the sky
    As another beast rises to power
    With two beasts raging about
    Two powers collide

    One beast strikes
    Then the other deals a blow
    One with light
    And the other with booms

    Two equal forces
    Thunder and Lighting
    Fight a never-ending battle
    With a draw every time

    Nature's phenomena
    All have a purpose
    To keep this world
    Going round and round
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Thunder and lightning put under the loupe of mythology. Donar (Thursday) raging in the sky to frighten the hell out of folks; no wonder.
    I'd say: if you want to smooth this out, don't explain too much.
    The phenomenon in itself can give grateful thoughts for a poem or two

    Thanks anyway!