Song from Giuliana & Bill season 5 Duke photoshoot episode

Thread: Song from Giuliana & Bill season 5 Duke photoshoot episode

Tags: giuliana and bill, giuliana rancic, unknown artist, unknown lyrics
  1. Sarah Coull said:

    Default Song from Giuliana & Bill season 5 Duke photoshoot episode

    I have tried several times to piece together the lyrics that were actually audible in google but I can't find anything. This is a medium paced pop song sung by a female. I will try my best to give the lyrics that I can hear over the talking. The song was playing during the photo shoot for people magazine when G was holding the baby. I love this song so much so hopefully someone can help me find the name/artist. Thank you so much!

    I thinking about all the times, thinking bout the photographs, just turn the page and its overwhelming
    another broken record (*not sure if that's the word), so much color in your eyes, whoa, whoa

    just close your eyes and (*not sure what was said next here)

    Don't complicate it because memories were made to last
  2. jp12345 said:


    I heard:

    "I think about them all the times
    Taking back the photographs
    Just turn the page and it's overwhelming
    Another black and white
    So much color in your eyes, whoa, whoa

    So take me away, today
    Just close your eyes and sing about the day, today
    Don't complicate it cause memories were made to last, whoa
    Made to last

    Just arriving at the people's ball..."

    It sounds like the song is called "Made to Last".
    You can hear it at this link: song clip
    Last edited by jp12345; 01-27-2013 at 12:27 AM.
  3. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    N.A.O.M.I - Memories Were Made To Last
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