Gdyby - Paktofonika

Thread: Gdyby - Paktofonika

Tags: gdyby, paktofonika
  1. ArtyMiss said:

    Default Gdyby - Paktofonika

    Pretty please can someone translate this?
    Thanks in advance,

    Gdybam gdyby to nie było na niby x2
    Gdyby, gdyby to nie było na niby
    Gdyby świat cały
    Obrósł w niebieskie migdały
    Gdyby Magik był doskonały
    Gdyby podziały gdzieś się podziały
    Gdyby ryby głos też miały
    Kaktusy na dłoniach by wyrastały
    Gdyby po Ziemi stąpały ideały
    Biały byłby czarny
    A czarny biały
    Indywidualnie na życzenie upały
    Wciąż smakowały te same specjały
    Minerały każdej skały
    Szlachetne jak kryształy
    A wszystkie kabały
    To tylko kawały
    Gdyby czyn był godny chwały
    Gdyby Fokus nie był tak zarozumiały
    Gdyby wrony nie krakały
    Gdyby kozy nie skakały
    Gdyby tak psy nie gryzły
    Koty nie drapały
    A komary nie wkurwiały
    Gdyby dyskojeby tak się nie rzucały
    Gdyby równiejsze z równymi równać chciały
    Gdyby nowe hip hopowe kluby powstawały
    Gdyby foki w klubach tych dupami wywijały
    A ekipy rymowały
    A się nie napierdalały
    Gdyby składy tak jak mówią reprezentowały
    Gdyby z pióra słowa dosłowne spływały
    Gdyby w Gie O Pe zwykłe deszcze padały
    Gdyby szyby i kominy mnie nie otaczały
    A kraina Niby-Niby
    Gdyby kromki spadały odwrotnie
    Gdyby przerzutnie pociągały mnie okropnie
    Gdyby rymy się składały wielokrotnie
    Gdyby hip hopowe głowy dostawały stopnie
    A stopnie wystawiane by nie były pochopnie
    Gdyby u mnie na oknie stały
    Kwiaty paproci i niebieskie migdały
    Gdyby ich cechy się uzupełniały
    Gdyby cudowne sny się sprawdzały
    Gdyby Rahim zbierał pochwały
    Gdyby problemy zmieniały się w banały
    Gdyby z wszystkich treści morały wypływały
    Gdyby partnerki partnerów swych kochały
    Gdyby oczy nie płakały
    A usta się wciąż śmiały
    Gdyby powracały piękne chwile
    I trwały
    Gdyby lepsze czasy nastały
    Gdyby kawki nie padały
    Gdyby pały nie ścigały
    Gdyby składy hip hop grały
    Przy tym nie dawały chały
    Gdyby gazy nie wybuchały
    A pożary nie wyniszczały
    Gdyby wody nie zalewały
    Kataklizmy nie istniały
    Gdyby bratnie dusze się wspierały
    I sobie ufały
    Gdyby rymy tylko na wolno powstawały
    Gdyby farby nie zaciekały
    I na murze nie matowiały
    Gdyby wielkie nominały
    Każdą kieszeń oblężały
    Na plakatach by widniały
    Pfk inicjały
    No a konfesjonały
    By innowierców pochłaniały
    Gdyby wszelkie bariery pozanikały
    Gdyby żadne serduszka nie pękały
    Gdyby kary winnych spotykały
    Gdyby każdy był wyrozumiały
  2. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    I argue if it wasn't playing make-believe x2
    If it wasn't just playing make-believe
    If all the world would overgrow by blue almonds
    If the Magician would be perfect
    If divisions would have got lost
    If fish would have a voice, too
    If cactuses would grow upon hands
    If ideals would tread on the ground
    If a blackman would be white,
    and a white one would be black
    If there would be heats on individual request
    If there constantly would taste the same titbits
    Minerals of every rock,
    precious as crystals
    And all fortune-tellings would be just jokes
    If deed would be praiseworthy
    If Focus wouldn't be so conceited
    If crows wouldn't caw
    If goats wouldn't spring
    If dogs wouldn't bite so badly,
    If cats wouldn't scratch
    and mosquitos wouldn't piss off
    If disco-jerks wouldn't be striking
    If cool girls would match cool boys
    If new hip-hop clubs would come into being
    If seals roll off their butts in these clubs
    and teams would rhyme
    instead of ****ing drive down
    If squads would represent all they say
    If literal words would fall down a pen
    If there would rain ordinarily in GOP
    If pit-shafts and smoke-stacks wouldn't surround me
    but Neverland
    If bread chunks would land the opposite side down
    If overflows would attract me deeply
    If rhymes would agree repeatedly
    If hip-hop heads would get grades
    and grades would not be rated rashly
    If there would be flowers of fern and blue almonds
    in the window at my place
    If their features would complement each other
    If wonderful dreams would come true
    If Rahim would get nothing but praise
    If problems would turn into trifles
    If there would be morals of all the content
    If girls would love their boys
    If eyes would not cry
    and mouth would always laugh
    If happy moments would return and keep on
    If better times would come
    If jackdaws would not fall
    If cops would not chase me
    If hip-hop squads would play
    but with no trash
    If gases would not explode
    and fires would not devastate
    and waters would not flood
    disasters would not happen
    If soulmates would support
    and trust each other
    If rhymes would appear with no hush
    If paints would not make stains
    and would not tarnish on the wall
    If big denomination notes would fill every pocket
    If the initials of PFK would be seen on playbills
    And confessionals would absorb apostates
    If all barriers would disappear
    If any little hearts would not break
    If the guilty would suffer punishment
    If every man would be understanding.
    Last edited by bandziol20; 09-06-2013 at 02:49 AM.
  3. Sombir Singh said:


    Quote Originally Posted by bandziol20 View Post
    I argue if it wasn't playing make-believe x2
    If it wasn't just playing make-believe
    If all the world would overgrow by blue almonds
    If the Magician would be perfect
    If divisions would have got lost
    If fish would have a voice, too
    If cactuses would grow upon hands
    If ideals would tread on the ground
    If a blackman would be white,
    and a white one would be black
    If there would be heats on individual request
    If there constantly would taste the same titbits
    Minerals of every rock,
    precious as crystals
    And all fortune-tellings would be just jokes
    If deed would be praiseworthy
    If Focus wouldn't be so conceited
    If crows wouldn't caw
    If goats wouldn't spring
    If dogs wouldn't bite so badly,
    If cats wouldn't scratch
    and mosquitos wouldn't piss off
    If disco-jerks wouldn't be striking
    If cool girls would match cool boys
    If new hip-hop clubs would come into being
    If seals roll off their butts in these clubs
    and teams would rhyme
    instead of ****ing drive down
    If squads would represent all they say
    If literal words would fall down a pen
    If there would rain ordinarily in GOP
    If pit-shafts and smoke-stacks wouldn't surround me
    but Neverland
    If bread chunks would land the opposite side down
    If overflows would attract me deeply
    If rhymes would agree repeatedly
    If hip-hop heads would get grades
    and grades would not be rated rashly
    If there would be flowers of fern and blue almonds
    in the window at my place
    If their features would complement each other
    If wonderful dreams would come true
    If Rahim would get nothing but praise
    If problems would turn into trifles
    If there would be morals of all the content
    If girls would love their boys
    If eyes would not cry
    and mouth would always laugh
    If happy moments would return and keep on
    If better times would come
    If jackdaws would not fall
    If cops would not chase me
    If hip-hop squads would play
    but with no trash
    If gases would not explode
    and fires would not devastate
    and waters would not flood
    disasters would not happen
    If soulmates would support
    and trust each other
    If rhymes would appear with no hush
    If paints would not make stains
    and would not tarnish on the wall
    If big denomination notes would fill every pocket
    If the initials of PFK would be seen on playbills
    And confessionals would absorb apostates
    If all barriers would disappear
    If any little hearts would not break
    If the guilty would suffer punishment
    If every man would be understanding.

    can u please translate this line into english

    "Jak Ci nie wstyd milczeć mi prosto w serce?"
  4. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    Aren't you ashamed of keeping quiet right into my heart ? - sth like that, hm... very poetical