Fairouz - Yaoum w yaoumain w jema3a

Thread: Fairouz - Yaoum w yaoumain w jema3a

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  1. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:

    Default Fairouz - Yaoum w yaoumain w jema3a

    A very good song for Fairouz. I'd like to thank Firas and VivaPalestina for their comments and corrections.


    يوم ويومين وجمعة وشهر وشهرين//One day , two days,a week, a month and two months //Yaoum w yaoumain w jema3a w shahr w shahrain
    تعبت بعيني الدمعة وين غايب وين// My tears are tired of rolling down.Where are you ?//Ta3bet bi3ayni eddama3a wain gha2ib wain

    شهر وشهرين وبعدك بعدك بتقول//One month , two months and you still keep telling //Shahr w shahrain w ba3adak ba3adak bet2oul
    تقول محافظ عا وعدك والوعد يطول//That you will honor your word but it is taking so long//Te2oul em7afez 3a wa3dak w elwa3d yitoul
    وقلبي الناطر عابعدك بالو مشغول//My heart is waiting and worried due to your absence//W albi ennater 3a bo3dak balou mashghoul
    مشغول وليلو بعدك صاير ليلين//And the nights seem longer because of the distance //Mashghoul w lailou bo3dak sa2ir lailain

    عالعالي طاروا وعلوا جوز حساسين//The birds took to the air and flew high and higher//3al3ali tarou w 3alou jawz 7asaseen
    حساسين وراحوا غلوا بعب الشربين//They went away and nestled among the fir trees//7asaseen w ra7ou ghalou ba3ab esh sharbeen
    ويسأل وينن و نقلو راحوا الحلوين//He asks where are they, and we tell him they left//W yis2al wainoun w ni2oulou ra7ou el 7alween
    الحلوين الكانوا يملوا من راس العين//The birds that were drinking at the spring water//El 7alween elkanou yimlou min r2as el3ayn

    زهر شباكك زهر شباكك فل//At your window the jasmine started blooming//Zahar shibbakak zahar shebbabak fil
    الفل العجبينك نور نور عالكل//The jasmine at your forehead lit up everything //Elfil el3ajbinak nawwar nawwar 3alkill
    وجينا لعندك تانسهر ما كنت تطل//We came to you to party but you didn't appear//W ji2na la3andak tanes'har ma kint tatal
    وطل الشوق المسهر دمعات العين//And only appeared the longing of sleepless tears//W tall esh shou2 elemsahar dama3at el3ayn
    Last edited by gbasfora; 02-15-2013 at 12:38 AM.
  2. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Thank you Viva and Livia.It seems that just we three appreciate those songs for Fairuz.