Smiley - Nu Deranjati

Thread: Smiley - Nu Deranjati

Tags: smiley nu deranjati
  1. LyssaLucian said:

    Default Smiley - Nu Deranjati

    Could someone please translate this to English for me? My Romanian is limited (I'm trying to learn), and my ex boyfriend/best friend usually helps me with lyrics but he's being a butt on this one.. So if someone could help, thanks

    Obraz fara fard, cu zambetul larg
    Lasa rochia sa cada, mana sa atinga
    Ochii mei sa vada
    Umerii goi, coapsele moi
    Hai sa dam foc la hainele de pe noi

    Cat de frumoasa poti fi tu
    Cere-mi orice si nu-ti voi spune nu

    O noapte, aproape
    Luminati de stelele toate
    Dimineata, cand rasare
    Nici soarele nu ne tine departe

    Nu ma pot satura
    Find More lyrics at
    De atingerea ta
    Vreau ca timpul sa se opreasca
    Si dragostea noastra
    Sa nu se mai termine
    Imbratisati, prieteni, amanti
    Ne potrivim perfect
    Si nu vrem sa fim deranjati

    Cat de frumoasa poti fi tu
    Cere-mi orice si nu-ti voi spune nu

    Chorus: (x4)
    O noapte, aproape
    Luminati de stelele toate
    Dimineata, cand rasare
    Nici soarele nu ne tine departe
  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    hi maybe it's hard on ur bf to make a transl for you bcs of the intense lyrics

    anyway here you go :

    cheek without make up, with a big smile (on it)
    let the dress fall, (let my) hand touch
    (let) my eyes see
    (your) bare shoulders, soft thighs
    let's burn the clothes we have on us

    you are so beautiful
    ask me anything and i won't tell you "no"

    a (whole) night, close (together)
    the light from all the stars is on us
    in the morning, when rising
    not even the sun can keep us away (from eachother)

    i can't get enough
    of your touch
    i want time to stop
    and our love
    to never end
    embraced, friends, lovers
    we are a perfect match
    and we don't want to be disturbed
  3. LyssaLucian said:


    It's probably something along those lines :P lol And thanks a lot
  4. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    you're welcome