Battle Rap: Freestyle Only

Thread: Battle Rap: Freestyle Only

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  1. JesusFreak23 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by BackInBlack View Post
    Dude, why did you post up my verse when your verse was directed at KennyNeverDies? Lol
    Sorry... SOrry for the last couple of bares they were pretty wack. but They're true.
  2. JesusFreak23 said:


    Kenny, I wish I could explain,
    Why tragedy happen to the innocent for no reason,
    and why death lingers the terrain,
    So I got down on my knees and,
    Prayed to a God I not yet belived in,

    He rewarded my blind faith with everlasting eternity,
    But To walk on water requires you to take the first step,
    Like my mom not geting that abortion at 6 months of maternity,
    And when science told me my cancer's terminal then it just up and left,

    But it wasnt through my own beleif of what's wrong and what's right,
    it was an omnicient God, I relied on and not site.

    So attack my God, I wont hurt me,
    because unlike your compensation,
    Big J.C(jesus Christ) will never desert me.

    Your theory is for the blind to lead the blind,
    and mine is to embrace grace and leave all elsee behind

    This is over. I'm not replying again. Good Battle
  3. Template's Avatar

    Template said:

    Default Bars & Love homie

    Homie got so heated, he stopped rapping altogether
    Congratz Tmax n Kenny, you made that b;itch Black alter levers
    Under the weather? Or just high arterial pressure?
    Look it up
    Illiterate F3ck
    Its means what you Red is better than the blood flow in your arteries
    Longer sentence don't mean no flow, just harder to read
    For a novice, William Wallace rapper like yourself
    Only knows one flow, the period he got at age 12
    "No Temp I'm actually CHRISTOPHER Wallace"
    Lets check, is your own flow flawless?
    Nope, well are you at least modest, with a future full of promise?
    Nope, well are you at least polished with a solid domain, your own rap office?
    Nope, do you at least flip scripts with precision that could never miss?
    Nope, do you suck dik ever since you couldn't admit that your opponents can spit?
    Hell yes..
    It's easy to be a G that tears the ground to pieces
    But see, the skill increases when you can grab hold of a thesis
    Squeeze it, till it you believe like the dude above me, JesusFreak
    And any else who see it, will smile, admit its above decent
    Not cuz they want approval..they don't need it
    But because it releases any reasons to not improve
    Still got hatred left? Release it
    I mean it, whatever Template you still tryna feel, delete it

    I got bars and love for all, its never depleted
  4. Jarod Doty said:


    Cant beat me, I already see ya face red, what, ya got a fever. Wait, is this a battle? I had a worse time beating Justin Beiber.
    Girl I can already see you in the future, in my shadow. Girl right now, I think ya should just skidadle.
    Don't worry, it's alright to start to pout.
    I am just gonna say, learn to rap and get out.
    Here, for challenging me, I'll give ya a slap. Why am I against this phony, she can't even rap.
    She just wants to look cool in front of her friends. I heard better from them stereos. You trying to rap should go on America's funniest home videos.
    When I rap, I make my victims feel like their choking under the Hudson bay. Ima say this once, sit down now, don't try to rap, and have a nice day.
  5. taylormaximus said:


    Quote Originally Posted by BackInBlack View Post
    I hear what you're saying but I believe you're wrong about my verses, particularly this one that was well knit, intricate, maybe short but definitely to the point and stayed on track well with the message I was trying to convey to you.-------------------->

    You're a dam liar if you say this verse isn't dope.

    I wear a psychiatric hospital gown with no draws
    And my @ss is hairy
    I don't fukk with y'all, All of my
    Friends are imaginary
    Everything about me is grouchy and unsanitary
    Hate women and I'm anti- letting faggots marry
    My vocabulary prevents me from being big
    DJs won't even spin my sh1t they just repeat the trend
    So I held a daycare center hostage, sweet revenge
    Play me on the radio and maybe I'll release the kids!
    Fukk trying to shop a deal, I need to talk to Dr. Phil
    Before I fill this clip with hallow tips and find a cop to kill
    They locked me in pandoras box, all hope was lost until
    Someone spilled the blood of 60 Christians and unlocked the seal
    My thoughts are filled with twisted fantasies dark illusions
    And visions of humans piled on a grill BBQ'n
    I don't want to touch your heart with music
    I want to physically touch your heart snatch it out your chest, rip it apart and chew it!
    I'm on the edge Cuz and I'm smoking bed bugs
    I'll cut off your fukking calves, now all you have is leg nubs
    I'm a hematomaniac, that means when I see red blood
    It gets my dikk two times harder than special ED was
    This is ain't a rap, this is a mother fukking cry for help
    I can't control the epic three headed monster inside myself
    When you muthafukkas find my dead body hanging behind the shelf
    Do me a favor put my cokk away, and untie the belt
    'I hear what you're saying but I believe you're wrong about my verses, particularly this one that was well knit, intricate, maybe short but definitely to the point and stayed on track well with the message I was trying to convey to you'

    If youre so dam good why do you attempt to reassure yourself through persuasion? Honestly ive ALWAYS thought youre average at best. Rapping is a different ball game than battle rapping, when you can come up with something that doesnt sound like a rip off eminem reply back soldier.
    Last edited by taylormaximus; 05-23-2015 at 06:02 PM. Reason: different has one r..
  6. Calosol Floh said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarod Doty View Post
    Cant beat me, I already see ya face red, what, ya got a fever. Wait, is this a battle? I had a worse time beating Justin Beiber.
    Girl I can already see you in the future, in my shadow. Girl right now, I think ya should just skidadle.
    Don't worry, it's alright to start to pout.
    I am just gonna say, learn to rap and get out.
    Here, for challenging me, I'll give ya a slap. Why am I against this phony, she can't even rap.
    She just wants to look cool in front of her friends. I heard better from them stereos. You trying to rap should go on America's funniest home videos.
    When I rap, I make my victims feel like their choking under the Hudson bay. Ima say this once, sit down now, don't try to rap, and have a nice day.
    Ur the only girl, stop takin stuff off the web , were only battling cause last time Yuh fled, my flow is more iconic than the sky, yours made your own self cry, I'll be in ur shadow,what kinda rhyme is DAT? When my verse is done ull jump off a cliff and splat! It was a mistake on your part to step to me, might as well jump i n yur own grave, I got the fire that'll make you my slave, so stop u pretend rapper, stop tryin, my verse is done, oh look I made jarod start cryin.
  7. MonsterWrapper's Avatar

    MonsterWrapper said:


    Black, it's a sin to rap
    With your half-as$ no having im-pact
    Can't even form a proper syntax
    Were your synapses intact, when you said "I don't care"?
    Then why post 5 raps in a row? Frontin' cold butthurt polar bear
    Wished at least one of them verses would be hope there
    Now go write a garbage rebuttal that starts with "its a sin to rap"...unoriginal witcho laissez faire

    Now back to Monster, this nerdy nemesis
    My words turn to genesis
    Point your flaws out like picture perfect pessimists
    Decent rebuttals, but delivery lost it's menace
    Soft n Delicate
    How you a Monster if your past is dis-credited?
    Oh dont be upset, you mean a 'lyrical' monster I get it.
    Then why your verbs lack a predicate?
    Actin' like your in my class, when you couldn't pass the prerequisite

    99 huh? That's cute and fine bruh
    Cuz even if you flew a 'jay', you'd never be able to be 'Z
    Or be his b;tch either like B-yee
    On tape, that 'Yoncé, sound better than you tryna copy 'André
    3000' different attempt's at name flippen, none qualified as the main entrée
    I'll let you try flippen 'one last time', better make it 'Grande'
    If it ain't 'inferno', I'll send it back to hell like 'Dante'

    Now that's how you reference hip-hop culture
    Eat monster like a top vulture
    Da Vinci with the sculpture, its how I created your good half
    Your hood half, fightin' back, but that's when your writings wack
    Your white side like, "Template is sure right in that, I might have to bite his tracks!"

    No prick, our levels have distance
    Persistence mixed with efficient assistance, can hinder a bitter resistance
    Like how I lifted Kenny's writtens to a greater position
    I'm vigorous, gifted with my vicious condition
    Burning your twisted existence
    Learn to be consistent
    Calls me homophobic, but then spits some gay-jokes.
    ..Ok bro? Make up your mind, you anti or pro?
    Tree hugging gangster, if an ant died, you'd know.

    I do love internal rhymes
    Eternally mine, through the turn of time
    So till the court is adjourned, your highness can sit on a burning 'vine'
    '7 second clips' is enough to shoot your squirming 'nine'
    Don't hold it to my 'temple' if you can't step into my learning 'shrine'.

    It's apparent your parents laughed
    When you mentioned pursuing rap, with your pair of new extended paragraphs
    Pairing up your shorter stanzas, like "that'll scare his pants off"
    Hands off,
    It's just an expression, don't f3ckin ask for my man sauce

    Raise tempo? Go get a raise after suckin off your damn boss.
    Damn you ripped me up. I'm not even sure if I can come back from this lol
  8. _SBU said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Template View Post
    Homie got so heated, he stopped rapping altogether
    Congratz Tmax n Kenny, you made that b;itch Black alter levers
    Under the weather? Or just high arterial pressure?
    Look it up
    Illiterate F3ck
    Its means what you Red is better than the blood flow in your arteries
    Longer sentence don't mean no flow, just harder to read
    For a novice, William Wallace rapper like yourself
    Only knows one flow, the period he got at age 12
    "No Temp I'm actually CHRISTOPHER Wallace"
    Lets check, is your own flow flawless?
    Nope, well are you at least modest, with a future full of promise?
    Nope, well are you at least polished with a solid domain, your own rap office?
    Nope, do you at least flip scripts with precision that could never miss?
    Nope, do you suck dik ever since you couldn't admit that your opponents can spit?
    Hell yes..
    It's easy to be a G that tears the ground to pieces
    But see, the skill increases when you can grab hold of a thesis
    Squeeze it, till it you believe like the dude above me, JesusFreak
    And any else who see it, will smile, admit its above decent
    Not cuz they want approval..they don't need it
    But because it releases any reasons to not improve
    Still got hatred left? Release it
    I mean it, whatever Template you still tryna feel, delete it

    I got bars and love for all, its never depleted

    Your best friends said 'bye Tem'.
    ..They didn't say 'bite Em'.
    You can write "Red" in your text, but it isn't;
    We see your name at the top and just skip them.
    Check the cynicism; yeah you rep a big division..
    pen a script and Temp'll split; religious schism.
    You'd better duck.. I ain't even mention guns..
    Just reach to pull out a phone and Temp'll Run.

    Stencils suck. your threat's defunct; I'm the antidote.
    I'll tag your toe Tem' like a Navaho graffer though.

    Best hone texts slow
    Coz of what Temp owes.
    Check, yo.. Let's go.. fresh so the depth shows..
    Never murky and dirty like Tem's flows.

    Yes? No?
    Admitting it was "hard to read", thank you T.
    The hardest since the palmist and the amputee.
    Don't think I meant it, and don't get defensive..
    Prospero to commonfolk; I'm just making Temp p*ssed.
    Forgive the standard arrogance,
    Then give Temp a release like anger management.
    "Thesis" ..? T's is?
    Surely he teases.

    Named himself 'Template'.. ain't my fault..
    When crowds find his outline as white chalk on sidewalk.
  9. KennyNeverDies said:


    [Chorus] x2
    Lil f*ckboy bnb I'm tired of this,
    You know this gonna be a track cos you tied to this,
    You had your chance, you tried to diss,
    I've took the cake, you know you want a bite of this.

    [Verse 1]
    Black's shook now,didnt think this would happen,
    Spat 16 bars mainly about gun clapping,
    When he saw defeat he let go of the rapping,
    Instead resorted to old bars, mate stop slacking,
    I could rip you apart, take you to Shits Creek,
    Throw away the paddles, you know you in this deep,
    I write bars like this in my sleep,
    I'm the reason that BRabbits knees weak,
    Gonna find a beat, so I can record this on a CD,
    Get your mum bumping it, begging to see me,
    I don't need to spit all technical when I aint feeling it,
    I can rip apart your phrenic nerve so you won't be feeling it,
    Punch you in the mouth til you reeling, kick,
    You in the brain, best tell god you'll be seeing him,
    JesusFreak I bodybagged you time to put you in the wheelie bin,
    Back to Black, cos this time I'm not leaving him.


    [Verse 2]
    Black thinks he's better than average,
    One step above the usual savage,
    I don't know what kind of delusion this man's in,
    He's gonna learn its all about the body like Shirley Manson,
    Thinks he's Eminem taking kids for ransom,
    Future paedophile alert, someone get Chris Hanson,
    Take a seat, black, I just wanna talk,
    On the online chat extracts, it says you wanna pull your ****,
    Out, rub it in to this kids thighs,
    He's only 13, no point tryna lie,
    Got the evidence we need, to put you behind bars,
    You just wanted to link up, now you're the kind class,
    Teachers warn their kids of,
    I'll leave it here for now, I think I've finished you good enough,
    In case you reply, thinking you all tough,
    Just remember you got a softer middle than oreo double stuff.

    [Chorus] x2

    **** black, and **** all of you who don't realise what a real lyricist looks like. I do this in my spare time people. **** talking about dedication when you haven't got a job, not doing a degree, just smoking weed all day. I'm out.
  10. Template's Avatar

    Template said:


    Quote Originally Posted by _SBU View Post
    Your best friends said 'bye Tem'.
    ..They didn't say 'bite Em'.
    You can write "Red" in your text, but it isn't;
    We see your name at the top and just skip them.
    Check the cynicism; yeah you rep a big division..
    pen a script and Temp'll split; religious schism.
    You'd better duck.. I ain't even mention guns..
    Just reach to pull out a phone and Temp'll Run.

    Stencils suck. your threat's defunct; I'm the antidote.
    I'll tag your toe Tem' like a Navaho graffer though.

    Best hone texts slow
    Coz of what Temp owes.
    Check, yo.. Let's go.. fresh so the depth shows..
    Never murky and dirty like Tem's flows.

    Yes? No?
    Admitting it was "hard to read", thank you T.
    The hardest since the palmist and the amputee.
    Don't think I meant it, and don't get defensive..
    Prospero to commonfolk; I'm just making Temp p*ssed.
    Forgive the standard arrogance,
    Then give Temp a release like anger management.
    "Thesis" ..? T's is?
    Surely he teases.

    Named himself 'Template'.. ain't my fault..
    When crowds find his outline as white chalk on sidewalk.

    _S changed my name just to suit his verse
    Ok 'Tem' will entertain, insults dispersed

    _S says he's before Tem, seed of the fruit
    That makes I: '_Stem' of your root
    Soon to be or too soon it is
    _S wants to speak in riddles, his tune is quizzed
    Passed with an A, or last in race
    Future holds no B, daughter it is
    'Mack wanted to 'Buy _S' now he wouldn't buy it
    I Fathered your style, you wanna deny it
    _S like "But I joined first, you after me"
    Your fashion is dated like 'meu meu': u after me

    "Wait somethings wrong, he sound like I do?"
    Im not biting, just writing, to show a better refined you
    A blind dude, could see your worst mistake
    You forsake rhymes completely, just for the sake of wordplay
    So go ahead and recycle your bars _S, its Earth Day

    Sit n listen, when a pimp is spittin
    Mix subtle rebuttals with explicit disses
    "Fresh so the depth shows''?
    Roots remain underground: implicit vision
    If none see, than none believe
    If a nun see, _S with weed
    She'll enunciate her first word, then rip his tongue and teeth
    Not cause weed is sin, but cause his scripture was that terrible
    Unbearable for pairs of people,
    Let alone lone readers to stare so feeble

    _S ordered two wide c0cks
    One Black in the back, while 'Mack rides the top
    Of the one eyed cyclops
    "Raise a phone"? Please, he couldn't even hide a glock
    Why? He couldn't find a spot
    I leave footprints in rap, _S just kisses my "sidewalk"

    You'd do well to "see my name and skip it"
    Your flips I rip it
    I've seen better flips with bacon in a skillet
  11. KennyNeverDies said:


    Just realised I've been letting a pupil suffer in silence,
    Eyes flickering, contorting under his eyelids,
    You a one man army? Barely a viking,
    You keep slipping under my radar, cos its obvious you tryin,
    But the beeps far away so why'd i be frightened,
    You gotta be close or on my level to be a worthy adversary,
    But you ain't done this before, raps own virgin Mary,
    Now spitting biblical, is something I try to avoid,
    Dont have the belief of Pacquiao, and you sure ain't Floyd,
    Muhammad Ali, are you mad that i lead?
    You running in the ring, should be scared of my speed,
    Technicians mind with the soul of a fighter,
    You a can of gas i'll ignite with a lighter,
    Pro found swinging on the chandelier, i Sia,
    Breath of relief, finally ended that poor excuse of a writer.
  12. BackInBlack's Avatar

    BackInBlack said:

    Default No. Black didn't get shook. Didn't quit. Never will.

    Yo, you might have rattled my stone cold persona but ya still persona non grata. I always come back.
    I'm still steady claimin' you caint rap. Got new bars for y'all... it's too large for y'all. Y'all will never be ready... NEVER.

    I'm here to set the facts straight
    A very dam few of y'all's rap's great
    Maybe most of y'all should perhaps wait
    Until ya'll are done sucklin raps lactate
    I'm not claimin' to be rap's master
    But I don't care who raps faster
    They could still be a typical wack bastard
    Run of the mill half asser
    In a few of you I've seen large improvement
    But some of y'all too big for ya britches
    And ya b1tches aint got the bars to prove it
    And still keep chargin' through it
    But if ya arent' too fluent I just wouldn't pursue it
    You tards are stupid, only them with heart can do it
    I'm a Juggalo so I aint even gotta start a movement
    We a world wide crew and when we come to do what we gotta do... we are a unit

    So KennyNeverDies, Template, Taylor Maximus and all the other haters can jump off a bridge and hold hands
    Don't look down you dikk suckin' mitch bade muthafukkas and pray that you don't land...

    I hold to that Grade A instinct
    Even though I'm havin' a hard time makin' ends meet
    And all of my haters say I'm mince meat
    But I've got it in my mind to bring intense heat
    Against those who would stand against me
    Did you think I'd just leave when you dissed me?
    He11 naw, I'm a blow y'all b1tches up like I was Ted Kaczynski
    Then go to the bar and get a whiskey
    They thought they won but I LET THEM HIT ME for sportsmanship
    But now that's all done and I'm torchin' sh1t
    So you better make sure your blinds is closed and your porch is lit
    Coz this night just might play out like a horror flick
    It's goin' down like it was written in the stars
    So if I chop y'all into punk chunks you'll be spittin' injured bars
    So don't pretend your hard, just end your charge
    Y'all can go to hell and never get well and I'm not sendin' cards coz my ninja bars
    Will cut your b1tch asses like a scalpel blade
    Even in my direct vicinity there tends to be shrapnel spray
    You'll either fall or fade but my raps will stay
    Any of y'all that thinks it's all a game, I would advise you to just back away
    Put your raps away, you aint even in the same echelon
    You only think you are but your about as hard as the pillow that ya head rests upon
    I don't rest at all coz the death of y'all is the quest I'm on
    Just when you think you got me figured I transform like a Decepticon
    And dip into my lexicon coz I gotta make y'all pay all day in the very worse way
    So I can wrap this up, not give a fuk and party harder than Charlie Sheen on his birthday
    Feelings get hurt when I'm on that "winning" word play
    So tell me again why I should give a flyin' fuk what you nerds say?
    Last edited by BackInBlack; 05-27-2015 at 01:00 PM.
  13. Thino Harris said:


    uhh, ima tell you ***** you not my competition ima always win throw me in and im goin in i aint runnin i am comin to you im about to get it cause i bought and i really lit it all them nights im ona mission no nights ima be here no hope in my vision dont need no intervention you aint got no writers and even if you did i could not point em out and they all gone be missin
    wonderin why im still here if you know better not act a fool if you met me you try to be brave and step up but yo crew is to scary plus im to legendary its what we go hard for i rock you i block you you on top you get knocked off yea im takin you place i make it my property maybe its a game to you but its a life to me, so maybe its right for me i annihilate em if they in my way of sight i keep em apart from me a weakness in yo vacant we never tight
    every time i get it to him i be lookin at em lookin pitiful in that condition it be critical nothin less than original this the end of you .
    who's next?
  14. BackInBlack's Avatar

    BackInBlack said:

    Default "T h e - T o p - E v e n t"

    BackInBlack is back to settle the score
    I never slack in rap in fact I'm back better than ever before
    I dole out vengeance to these infants that've never severed the chord
    They like to think they're better but clever detoured
    And went the other way like it was runnin' from the walkin' dead
    And your come back is exactly what I would expect comin' from a talkin' head
    Your daddy shoulda stopped, thought and shot you out of his c0(k into a sock instead
    You really thought you could rap? When did you get off your meds?
    Your doctor said as far as thinking goes you should not often binge
    But you had to aggravate me and ya had to make me blow this sh1t off the hinge
    Fukkin' wit' me is a violation which incites annihilation but it's not revenge
    I'd like to say it's deeper y'all but it's just a free for all like this kinda thing often is
    So your only option is apocalypse for talkin' sh1t that's not legit
    I've slaughtered y'all so many times in so many rhymes but for some reason I'm still not content
    So tell your parents and all adherents here on AllTheLyrics that this is by all appearance The Top Event

    Bring it on...
  15. Thino Harris said:


    Visualizin the realism of life and actuality
    ****k who's the baddest a person's status depends on salary
    And my mentality is, money orientated
    I'm destined to live the dream for all my peeps who never made it
    cause yeah, we were beginners in the hood as five percenters
    But somethin must of got in us cause all of us turned to sinners
    Now some, restin in peace and some are sittin in San Quentin
    Others such as myself are tryin to carry on tradition
    Keepin the schwepervesence street ghetto essence inside us
    Cause it provides us with the proper insight to find the light inside us
    Even though, we know somehow we all gotta go
    but as long as we leavin well be thievin we'll be leavin with some kind of dough
    so, and to that day we expire and turn to vapors like hookahs and i call my main ***** pookah
    me and my capers- be somewhere stackin plenty papers
    Keepin it real, packin steel, gettin high
    Cause life's a ***** and then you die

    Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne, **** it now im in my zone, **** the girl i thought i owned.
    she ****ed me over, now shes on her own, she left me for "a better *****" but look he aint even got a home. that ***** was roothles, when fake *****s **** me over i leave em toothless, i aint the best rapper but ill show you how to do this.
  16. BackInBlack's Avatar

    BackInBlack said:

    Default Not for comp, just for fun.

    I told you I was a fukkin headcase
    Now you're drawing flies and it seems I'm wearing your dead face
    I gotta move your body and it'd probably be a little less wobbly if it wasn't all dead weight
    About to head straight to Red Lake and take lead weights
    Attach 'em to your remains, this and chains should maintain your stay on the bed of the lake
    By the way, I wrote this for the Head of the State
    Coz I wanna see his elitist and grievous head on a plate
    Or even better severed and drippin' red on a stake
    You can't tell Obama lies? As a child you must've been traumatized by a lotta guys on your bottom sides
    So now you're one of the lobotomized that stands with Barry to make it legal for fags to marry and not compromise on gettin' sodomized
    For my freedom of speech I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE
    Even if it tends to offend you, what I've said still qualifies
    As Freedom of Speech
    It's in the Bill of Rights, read 'em and weep
    And yes, indeed I'm a creep, I'll find the wolves and lead 'em to sheep
    Fukk the whole world and feed 'em the skeet
  17. MonsterWrapper's Avatar

    MonsterWrapper said:


    Yo Kenny (because Temp and Tay gangbanged my anus xD),

    Finally, I found a paragraph to tear in half
    Just maxin, relaxin, kick out a chair and laugh
    At Kenny's slowly growing ego
    He's still a dam pu$$y balder than an eagle
    I beat the pu$$ies Latin, White, Asian, Negro
    But how many dope lines has he truly spit? Zee-ro
    "Hi, I'm Kenny and I'm a bad @ss motherfukin Hee-ro
    I'm always with my grams, and no I don't mean kilos
    Also, I'm eating Hot Cheetos, that's how I'm spittin all this fire
    And my sh1t'll get you tired, every time I repost!"

    Man I ain't even gotta try...

    Why is Kenny not a GOAT? Bro that sh1ts plain to see,
    He's only decent when his dad's c0ck splits his anus, then it rips painfully.
    And shamefully, he's not quite the man he's always claimed to be,
    Cuz the only "creative juices" his brain released,
    Have a tendency to stain the sheets.
    We never battled before, well I battled whilst Kenny spat prose aimlessly,
    But then came defeat,
    He refrained for weeks while his pain decreased and I tamed the beast
    But now he crawls back,
    Thinking he's the big d1ck and not the ball sack
    No one's your dam pupil, Pro-Found ain't even followed you
    Your mom should've just fuking swallowed you
    The shell from my slug is a reflection of the same ol' hollow you
  18. Template's Avatar

    Template said:


    ^^^Funny sh;t especially the grams/Kilos line
    Get ready for a long azz battle with Kenny, telling you now he doesn't stop replying lol,
    well at least he got a tad bit better so i'm looking forward to reading the back n forths between you 2
    (Side note: _S running out of material, can't reply to his own initiated battle)
  19. TrippyKing said:


    I'm laying girls out, Tanner Mayes,
    This shi t pays, People praise me,
    She had my baby, But she Cray-zzzzzz,
    Bi-polar, I'm off in the solar,
    System, Hoes I fist em,
    Lock the puss y up, Prism,
    Money always on my mind,
    Shaking you from your spine,
    Flow so good should be a crime,
    I'm in my prime, All I need is time.
  20. Diego Javier Santiago said:

    Default the people that rapped

    You ll chooke you broke you provoke me youll rap like crap I had all of your mamas sitting on my lap while in the god of rap yall are the kings and gods of crap while im in the hall of fame you all in he hall of shame yall afraid becuase I got my fame you dont got my flame you sound so lame your parents are ashamed of yall name
    Last edited by Diego Javier Santiago; 05-30-2015 at 05:16 PM. Reason: missed vocabulary