Initially for me & Smooth to cypher collabs together. If it develops into something else then whatever.
Initially for me & Smooth to cypher collabs together. If it develops into something else then whatever.
we like our sh*t fame resistant!
ven and I write scripts sedated in
vacant prisons..
..brainwaves in
matrix prisms..
we levitate in deep space and meditate to
sacred visions!
..and face 8 devisions of ancient rhyme wizzards..
raid training villages re-painting their
lymne pillars..
to ours who's frames are f*cking challenging?!
we were found in caves then taken under an
ancient dragons wing!
(Then your verse..)
Last edited by smoothtung; 04-06-2013 at 05:49 PM.
yeah sure, I don't mind the order. I'll hit this up when I can. been really busy with work, plus I'm putting a gig on soon so got promo to do with that. I'm planning to get all my lines done over the weekend. I was hoping to find some time today, but didn't come about.
It's all good but don't get all your lines done. Because of the unique format we're choosing I think it's still nesesary to cypher it out.
We entice the finger..
We're some ..'bird snatchers'..
..calling weak-thugs get drawn-in-to smooth vocals..
OR (ven) ya'll get beat up by a couple of saloon locals ^
When scotty keys up and locks in our crew-code-you'll,
Flock when-we-drop and get-caught in-a-box ..with the view totals.
I am like that.
Ven and I ride like that..
Psychedelic phsycos write rhymes in cyanide labs.
Bite the shine off a biotite slab..
And snipe a plane in flight through the night with an isomer dynamite blast!
Knife your wife in a fireside rap..
Key in the code to the bomb strapped on the tire rims of her Cadillac!
(Your verse? Either start with the finishing line to the 'fireside rap' bar or start from Cadillac..)
Last edited by smoothtung; 04-06-2013 at 06:28 PM.
This was a waste man. I know your probably busy but next time find at least a minute to let a dude know whats up.
Drop knowledge on blown domes like swingin' a battle ax
33rd parallel, parasailed from here to hell beheld in a different paralax
Got too much on my mind, all confined so most of the time I can't relax
Nowadays, how they play it's all for pay like they're anti- facts
So even though I feel abandoned and stranded, I'm on the highway to heaven like Michael Landon
And apparently after much therapy I'm still a psycho, branded
Untreatable, but even if it's news to these people, I refuse to be feeble and I can stand it
Coz I didn't choose to be evil, I was made that way by my planet
By the heighth of man and sleight of hand
So I'm not asking anymore, I demand it be made right
I've had about as much as I can stand
I've gotta formulate a plan before I can stand in daylight
Last edited by BackInBlack; 10-08-2014 at 12:30 AM.
I rap bars fantastic, spits large and jurrasic
u cats are plastic,*****es weak hearts elastic
I cause static quick,havin it even start climatic
my words emphatic,draumatic,and part drastic
u nerds get ur *** kicked till ur ina dark casket
I'll leave u traumatic and I'll do it charismatic
spits I speak are classic and not at all sarcastic
I create tragic automatic magic rap likea fanatic
im displayed very dynamic fakes are half ceramic
I blaze erratic,emphatic phrases that blow'll ur gasket
im on a higher focal graphic
soldier stature from a woeful gambit
while approaching castles
higher visions from a sober chastice
i lye engulfed in blackness
to the point i hate everything and i dont feel happy
my mind is a hopless chasm, an endless void leading me to an open casket
so as i invoke the rapture, both eyes closed so i dont know what happens
if time was froze then i would try an slowly manage
but thats like using a frying pan with broken handel
or late nights without tony danza
im jason statham with a rolling camera
kicking the **** out of all you extras with your wroten stanzas
on my own im standing
ten toes on my hope and chances
painting pictures im picasso on a broken canvas