I just thought it would be good to start a new thread for all people who want something translated into Swedish. I'll be here to help if someone needs that & of course there are members here who know Swedish and can help you, too.
I just thought it would be good to start a new thread for all people who want something translated into Swedish. I'll be here to help if someone needs that & of course there are members here who know Swedish and can help you, too.
ღ لا تحزن إن الله معنا ღ
"Bil ki, her kıştan sonra yine bahar gelecek, yine çiçekler açacak.."
Im trying to find the lyrics for "Norsk fjortis låt"
The link is here for the video:
I am not sure if its in Norwegian or Swedish, it could be a mix of both
Last edited by Noobdude155; 05-21-2014 at 11:41 AM.
Ill try and find the Norwegian thread, I guess you had a look at it just to verify the language
Im trying to find lyrics to some Hans Martin songs, but can't find them anywhere on the internet. Here is one of them:
Can you put a translated version below as when I try and translate it, it don't make sense in English...
Hem till Norden (Home to North) is the song name
Last edited by Noobdude155; 05-31-2014 at 08:28 AM.
Hans Martin - Home to the north.
Over mountains through milespread forrests over oceans and green meadows. I want to travel when wildroses bloom, to reach you who i call my home. There is freedom for the soul and the air is clear (crisp) in the land that my dreams still bear (where my dream still lives). Beyond white mountain tops there is a view I want to reach, home to the north and the seas so blue. 1:17
I walk alone in the evening down to the sea and the midsummer air strikes me, when the wildrose scent spreads and blooms. My longing goes out to you [can't hear what it is - "hemman bör"? possibly a variation on hemmavid - paraphrased: at home/at the place i call home] There is freedom for the soul and the air is clear (crisp) in the land that my dreams still bear (where my dream still lives). Beyond white mountain tops there is a road i want to travel, home to the north and the seas so blue.
Beyond white mountain tops there is a road i want to travel, home to the north and the seas so blue.
Punctuation not included. Updated for better flow.
Last edited by IAL1985; 03-31-2016 at 07:36 PM.