Ruudolf - Jalokivii Tiputtelen (Finnish)

Thread: Ruudolf - Jalokivii Tiputtelen (Finnish)

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  1. oldcat15 said:

    Default Ruudolf - Jalokivii Tiputtelen (Finnish)

    I have one more Finnish rap song that I am dying to know the lyrics to, if there is anyone here willing to translate it.

    Music video:

    Jalokivii Tiputtelen

    Koko luomakunta vaalii mun continentaalii
    Jopa suojelusenkelit varoo mun maalii
    Joka puolel mis mä menen marinaadii ripottelen
    Joka puolel mis mä menen jalokivii tiputtelen
    Koko luomakunta vaalii mun continentaalii
    Jopa suojelusenkelit varoo mun maalii
    Joka puolel mis mä menen marinaadii ripottelen
    Joka puolel mis mä meen-

    Asfalttisoturi on aave menneisyydestä mä oon niin ku kuiskaus tuulessa tää luolamaalaus jota ei tajuta tulevaisuudessa mä oon ihmishieroglyphi
    Klassikko niin ku mun Lincoln -79 rullaan sust telaketjuil yli
    Se on ihan sama mitä tuulilasiin sataa vanhaa mallii niin ku T-800
    Se on yks niist kohtauksist jotka herkistää raavaan
    Arska näytti peukkuu ku se laskeutu laavaan
    Mä pystyn siihen samaistuu ja hautasin mun naaman kämmeniin koska kyyneleet mua hämmensi
    Mitä jos Asfalttisoturi samal lail hukkuu joku sanoi tee sun juttuu vaikka jengi viel nukkuu
    Joten vaikka oisin ikuisesti marginaali mä silti ripottelen marinaadii enkä mitään marsipaanii
    Mis me vaan mennään
    Mis me vaan ollaan
    Mä näen liikaa jengii jotka mikis trollaa

    Koko luomakunta vaalii mun continentaalii
    Jopa suojelusenkelit varoo mun maalii
    Joka puolel mis mä menen marinaadii ripottelen
    Joka puolel mis mä menen jalokivii tiputtelen
    Koko luomakunta vaalii mun continentaalii
    Jopa suojelusenkelit varoo mun maalii
    Joka puolel mis mä menen marinaadii ripottelen
    Joka puolel mis mä meen-

    Asfalttisoturi on jäämäs pois niin ku mustavalkofilmi
    Mä näen räppäreiden sieluun siks ne pitää plehat silmil
    Liian coolii kouluu old-school niin ku pyramidi dynamiittii niin ku Palmusen synaliidi
    Potkin ovii otan ylös nimii ripottelen marinaadii tai jalokivii
    Mun kaalilaatikos kokkaan aavikkokotka stoppaa vast ku mun koko operaatio floppaa
    Jos haluu huipulle pitääks alentuu pohjalle ja olla ohkanen toisin ajankohtanen
    Mielellään kultaa lohkasen mut mil hinnal haluun tehä baksii - haluunks mä opettaa vai rahastaa lapsii
    En kehtaa skidei kestittää roskaruual sul on frendei ku oot kuuma viilenet - no jossain muual
    Mihin vaan mä meen ja mihin vaan mä tsiigaan mä näen jengii ihan liikaa ilman eboniikkaa

    Koko luomakunta vaalii mun continentaalii
    Jopa suojelusenkelit varoo mun maalii
    Joka puolel mis mä menen marinaadii ripottelen
    Joka puolel mis mä menen jalokivii tiputtelen
    Koko luomakunta vaalii mun continentaalii
    Jopa suojelusenkelit varoo mun maalii
    Joka puolel mis mä menen marinaadii ripottelen
    Joka puolel mis mä meen-
  2. Isä Apotti said:


    Dripping off jewels.

    The whole creation is caring for my Continental (1)
    Even the guardian angles are careful not to scratch my paint job.
    Everywhere I am going I am sprinkling marinate (2)
    Everywhere I am going I am dripping off jewels. (3)
    The whole creation is caring for my Continental
    Even the guardian angles are careful not to scratch my paint job.
    Everywhere I am going I am sprinkling marinating spices.
    Everywhere I am going...

    The road warrior is a ghost from past,
    I am like a whisper in the wind,
    this painting on a cave wall, which people in future can't understand.
    I am a human-shaped hieroglyph.
    An old classic item, like my Lincoln -79
    I am rolling over you like a tracked vehicle.
    It does not matter what is raining into my windscreen, in the old way like the T-800 (4)
    It is one of those move scenes which makes a strong man sensitive
    Arnold showed thumb-up sign when he was lowering himself into lava (5)
    I can identify with him, and I covered my face with my hands when I was surprised by tears.
    What if the road warrior will be lost in the same way, some people tell me to do my stuff while people are still sleeping.
    So even if I was always in the sidelines, I am still sprinkling out marinate, not any marzipan candies. (6)
    Where ever we go.
    Where ever we are.
    I see too much people who are just provoking people through microphone. (7)

    The whole creation is caring for my Continental
    Even the guardian angles are careful not to scratch my paint job.
    Everywhere I am going I am sprinkling marinate.
    Everywhere I am going I am dripping off jewels.
    The whole creation is caring for my Continental
    Even the guardian angles are careful not to scratch my paint job.
    Everywhere I am going I am sprinkling marinate.
    Everywhere I am going...

    The road warrior is phasing out like monochrome movies.
    I can see in the souls of the rappers, so that is the reason whey they are wearing sunglasses.
    Too cool old-school style, just like Pyramide Dynamite or Palmu's cyanide (8)
    I am kicking doors and taking up names, sprinkling marinate or jewels. (9)
    Cooking my cabbage casserole, desert eagle is stopping only when my whole operation flops. (10)
    If you want to get o the top, do you have to lower yourself to the bottom and be very thin and contemporal.
    I would like to chip off a piece of gold, but what is the price of making money - do I want to educate kids, or just get money off them. (11)
    I would be embarrassed to feed children with junk food. You have friends when you are still hot, but when you cool down, they are somewhere else.
    Where ever I go and what ever I am looking at, I see too much people without any Ebonics.(12)

    The whole creation is caring for my Continental
    Even the guardian angles are careful not to scratch my paint job.
    Everywhere I am going I am sprinkling marinate.
    Everywhere I am going I am dripping off jewels.
    The whole creation is caring for my Continental
    Even the guardian angles are careful not to scratch my paint job.
    Everywhere I am going I am sprinkling marinate.
    Everywhere I am going...


    Translation notes:

    1) This means "Lincoln Continental "1979 model car.

    2) "Ripotella" means sprinklings out something, for example, salt from a salt-shaker. "Ripottelen marinaadii" means "I am sprinkling out marinate". In rap terms "marinate" usually means using lyrics with profound meaning.

    3) "tippa" is a drop or droplet of liquid; "tiputtaa" is "making droplets fall". "Tiputtelen" means "I am pouring liquid drop by drop" or "I am dripping off liquid". The term "jewel" can mean good music with good lyrics.

    4) T-800 or "Series 800 Terminator" was a flesh-covered cyborg In the "The Terminator" movie series, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    5) In the end of the movie "Terminator 2 - Judgment Day", T-800 destroyed itself by lowering itself into a melting pot filled with molten steel, not lava.

    6) "Ripottelen marsipaanii" would mean "I am sprinkling out marzipan candy". This can mean using empty sweet words with no real meaning.

    7) "mikis torllaa" means "Trolling people through microphone". Trolling is a way of provoking people.

    8) I am not sure what the "Pyramiidi Dinamiitti" refers to, but it could be the old-school suspense story "Pyramid" by Henning Mankell. The "Palmusen syaniidi" refers to the movie "Komisario Palmun erehdys (1960)", which has a famous scene where one person tastes a drink laced with cyanide, and says "This tastes... like almonds".

    9) This probably refers to the military jargon "kicking *** and taking names", where navy shore patrol stops a fight and takes up the names of sailors who were involved in the fight. Today most people do not know the original meaning, and use the "kicking *** and taking names" to mean "being better than others".

    10) Kaalilaatikko: Cabbage Casserole; Finnish food where main ingredients are minced meat and chopped cabbage. It can be pretty good if done properly, but can be totally miserable if done badly. It appears to be very difficult to make palatable cabbage casserole in industrial-sized kitchen (as in schools of military bases), but it is still made because it is cheap.

    11) "Lohkaista kultaa" means "chip off a piece of gold" which meaning getting rich quickly.

    12) This probably refers to African American Vernacular English and related speech, behavior and clothing styles.
    Last edited by Isä Apotti; 06-12-2013 at 06:39 AM.
  3. oldcat15 said:


    I can't say how happy I am for your help once again, Isä Apotti.