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Chas and Dave - Snake Eyes Bert!/search/son...nake+Eyes+Bert
Now my name's Wal and I'm the sorta bloke who likes his fun,
I like a beer and I like a jaw and I get on with anyone,
Now the story I'm about to tell, you probably won't believe it,
But I swear it's true so it's up to you an' you can take it or leave it.
It was on a Friday night, just when the pubs were chucking out,
When this bloke who I was jawing with said now listen, how about,
Comin' round to my drum he said, puffing on his fag,
Bring some beer and we can have a game of three card brag.
Three card brag what's that I said that's a new one on me,
It's a card game played with just three cards you'll pick it up you see,
A card game with just three cards I thought that sounds a drag,
But I was wrong 'cos pretty soon I was hooked on three card brag.
Now I learnt the game and though I say it myself I really learnt it well,
I learnt to brag and I learnt to bluff and nobody could tell,
Every Friday night we always had the old brag school,
And every Friday night we played, I outplayed 'em all.
Five bob blind ten bob blind and fifteen bob I'd go,
And they'd all stack out one by one and I'd collect the dough,
And then the mates I'd made begun to say it ain't the game it was,
You're taking it far too seriously but I thought yeah that's just because,
It's just because I always win, now ain't that what it's all about,
And that made me more determined, to skint 'em all out.
Now every time we played I always ended up on top,
But little did I know that soon me winning streak would stop,
'Cos little did I know, I was about to lose me shirt,
When one night a stranger joined the school by the name of Snake Eyes Bert.
Now no matter whatever hand I pulled Snake Eyes always won,
The others said you might as well give up 'cos you won't beat him son,
But they couldn't stand the pace, by one 'o clock they'd all be gone,
But me an' him would play against each other 'til the dawn.
Now I knew if I could beat him once then that would be his lot,
No more I'd see them claw like hands raking in the pot,
Then at last I pulled the hand all brag players dream about,
A prial of threes at last I've got him now I'll clean him out.
Now Snake Eyes bet his usual way, four bob eight bob blind,
I hoped he'd carry on all night 'cos he won't beat me this time,
Then Snake Eyes said I'll have a look, his little eyes 'a blinking,
He fanned his cards out one by one and I wondered what he was thinking.
He sat there looking at his hand and I thought I caught a smile,
My heart jumped he's got a good hand I hope he's got a prial,
But all I hoped was just this once he wouldn't say I'll see,
'Cos I had to get him back for all that bunce he's had off me.
A tenner open Snake Eyes cried I thought meself he's bluffing,
He's tryin' to make me stack me hand I don't think he's got nothing,
I'll let him think I'm bluffing too, twenty quid I said,
Thirty quid he come back with I thought now keep your head.
Snake Eyes you're 'an 'ard man I said but I'm only kidding,
Then I made a move like I was gonna stack but I chucked an hundred quid in,
Snake Eyes sat there poker faced and I thought I think he's for it,
And I'm sure I caught a glimmer, of them snake eyes start a watering.
He's gotta see I thought but just wait 'til he sees what I've got,
But no he counted out two ton and chucked it in the pot,
Then a sudden wave of panic, come sweeping over me,
Supposing I'd read my cards wrong and I picked 'em up to see.
But there they were three lovely threes and I pondered what to bet,
But then something happened I can't explain but I never will forget,
Before my very eyes, the threes began to alter,
And on each card appeared a word the words said Snake Eyes Walter.
Then on them very same three very cards three Jokers did appear,
I thought myself I'm going mad there must of been something in that beer,
The Jokers looked familiar and my head started spinning,
Then I realised they looked like old Snake Eyes 'a grinning.
Then I looked across at old Snake Eyes and I thought this is a joke,
Then Snake Eyes disappeared, he went up in a puff of smoke,
The table now was empty of the bunce we both bunged in,
And just three Jokers lay face up wearing Snake Eyes grins.
Well I sat there in a daze, I just didn't understand,
Then on the chair where Snake Eyes sat I saw Snake Eyes brag hand,
I picked the cards up one by one from off the empty chair,
And turned them over one by one and some words were written there.
It said on these cards I've left for you I have writ a verse,
It's about your squinty eyeballs, I think they're getting worse,
You see gambling ain't no good for you, it only makes you greedy,
And your eyeballs start to all shrink up and go all sort of beady.
And it don't help 'em none when you keep squinting for that prial,
You'll soon have minces similar to some old legless reptile,
Pack it up before it's too late it ain't good for your soul,
Or they'll name you just like they did me, only you'll be Snake Eyes Wal.
Snake Eyes, Snake Eyes, he taught me a thing or two though I nearly lost me shirt,
Snake Eyes, Snake Eyes, but I got a lot to thank him for Snake Eyes Bert,
Snake Eyes, Snake Eyes, Snake Eyes Bert.
Last edited by Mixalopoulos; 06-13-2013 at 10:44 AM.
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Thank you SO much. I love you and I'm not even gay!
Just a quick message to say my film club and i did indeed make our short Movie to accompany Chas & Daves Snakeyes Bert song. My thanks once again to the member here who posted the lyrics to the song. You were a great help.
Here is the link to the pop video my film club made about Snakeyes Bert.