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Hi Jessie:
I must tell you that you almost made me cry, you capture the attention as we see the lines, like in a movie in our brain, a year ago I lost a dear person and I started two courses, one for thanatology, to bear the pain, and other in basic religion, to try to get closer to God, and as you say, God help us to ease the pain, our faith let us not change the truth, but see it in another way.
Your thread is in the right place, is a wonderful poem, that express your feelings, part of your life, and the overcoming to a new and marvelous life. But it made me remember the song "Amazing" by Aerosmith, wich theme is similar, so I think that it would be possible that your poem could be the lyrics for a rock song. Hope we can read more of your thinkings very soon, congratulations for your style, for your courage and for sharing with us the knowing that any person who is in pain can start again and again, life is a continuous line of fallings and standing ups. Thank you very much