Sounds a bit like a Prodigy song

Thread: Sounds a bit like a Prodigy song

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  1. Ian Taylor said:

    Default Sounds a bit like a Prodigy song

    The only part I can remember is a sound like loading a shotgun (chick . . . chick) then the boom kicks the beat in. Sounds a lot like something The Prodigy would have come out with. Really dancy and beaty. Sorry I can't give you guys any more
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    Well, you can give us more.

    Approx year?
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  3. Ian Taylor said:


    Very recent I'm pretty sure, I'm also pretty sure it's not the Prodigy, just sounds like them lol
  4. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    No one sounds like The Prodigy, in fact ten minutes before I read your post I was listening to 'Music For The Jilted Generation' full wack while bouncing around the room, and yes I'm an old git.
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  5. Ian Taylor said:


    Lol nice! Really wish I had more to give but I don't I hear it at a fitness class I go to and I've asked about it but I keep getting told the wrong track. I'm going in with my iPhone next week and record it on voice memo. If nobody can answer this and I find out soon I'll post the answer here
  6. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    As you've have an iPhone why don't you use 'Shazam' 'Midomi' (*cough* other music apps are available)
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  7. Ian Taylor said:


    Nice, didn't know about those. Cheers I'll try it