I loved you and it was said that longing is the memory of the sweet nights //7abbaytak w esh shaw2 en2al w laylat el7alwe 3albal //حبيتك والشوق إنقال وليلات الحلوة عالبال
So let the night take the blame and the song be injuried by another song //Khaly ellayl y3ateb layl w moual yejra7 moual //خلي الليل يعاتب ليل وموال يجرح موال
And let the heart say to another heart that we are very special companions //Khaly el 2alb ye2oul lil2alb rif2a na7na w wa7det 7al //خلي القلب يقول للقلب رفقة نحنا ووحدة حال
My love for you was as big as a forest whose limits are the line of vision //7abbaytak wesa3 elghabat elly e7douda e7doud elleftat //حبيتك وسع الغابات اللي حدودها حدود اللفتات
I loved you as much the morning clouds that travel behind all those hills //Wasa3 elghaym bisoub7yat yer7al khalf etlal etlal //وسع الغيم بصبحيات يرحل خلف تلال تلال
It seems the loved one forgot his date , //Tari el7elou nasy maoua3ydou //تاري الحلو ناسي مواعيده
he neither passed by us nor waved his hand //la marr la lawa7 lina byidou //لا مر لا لوح لنا بإيده
And you, like a bird, come and go //W ba3adak ya hattayr bteji w btrou7 //وبعدك يا هالطير بتجي و بتروح
awakening and increasing the longing in my heart //tou3ay bi2albi esh shaw2 w tenzedou //توعي بقلبي الشوق وتزيده
I know not where I fell in love with you . At which fountain or water-spring ? //7abbaytak ma ba3ref wayn bi2aya naba3 bi2aya 3ayn //حبيتك ما بعرف وين بأي نبع بأي عين
I sent you the sleep of my eyes and the moan of my heart was the messenger //ba3ttelak nawm el3aynayn w tenheedet 2alby mirsal //بعت لك نوم العينين وتنهيدة قلبي مرسال