
Thread: plecaciune

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  1. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:

    Default plecaciune

    translation, please?

    Treacă primăveri şi toamne
    Eu mă-nchin la Tine Doamne
    Nu să-ţi cer ceva anume
    Lumea-i plină de-aşa lume.

    Nici să fac din timp risipă
    Dacă-ar fi să-mi dai o clipă,
    Doar să-ţi mulţumesc, vroiam
    Pentru ceia ce eu am.

    Lumea spune-n mii de feluri
    Că la tine-acolo-n ceruri
    De-aş trimite-un gānd să vie,
    Ar parcurge-o veşnicie.

    Dar eu cred, a cāta oară
    Că din tot ce ne-nconjoară
    Vānt, pămānt, lumini, şi ape,
    Tu ne eşti cel mai aproape.
  2. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


    Here you go


    Springs and autumns are passing
    I bow to you, God
    I don't want to ask you for something special
    The world is full of this kind of people

    I don't want to waste your time
    If you had a moment for me
    I only wanted to thank you
    For what I have

    The world is telling in thousands of ways
    That where you are, up in the sky
    If I could send a thought to live*
    It travelled for an eternity

    But I think, how many times,
    That out of everything that surrounds us
    Wind, soil, light and water
    You an the closest to us

    * Maybe somebody knows the verb "a via", I've never heard it before, so this line is rather an interpretation than a translation...
  3. Crisa said:


    @Mimi : să vie= să vină and it's used in prayers and church songs.