
Thread: Aaron

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  1. jessie zuppo's Avatar

    jessie zuppo said:

    Default Aaron

    by a
    to the head-
    Wet and Sticky
    sprayed on the bed.

    They said
    I killed my man
    In Reality
    I couldn't understand
    why anyone would
    that I could
    take someone's life
    much less the man
    who called me his 'wife'.

    Worry, sadness, tears
    it all came out
    Is he alive?
    Is he dead?
    I plead
    with the police
    to let me see
    the man
    I was to wed.

    I got a one-way ticket
    to the Psych. Ward,
    where I was sedated
    while They waited
    for me
    to face Reality

    And to go head to head
    with what was
    traumatizing me...
    which was the sight of
    halfway dead...
    sprawled out
    on our bed

    My Heart, My Love
    had been shot..
    He was in a bed
    on Life Support
    on the floor
    above my head

    Security escorted me
    to see
    my sweet baby
    in ICU-
    when I saw his limp body
    my face went blue.

    I was there, by his side..
    while they pulled the plug
    I cried salty tears into
    his shampooed hair
    and gave his
    lifeless body
    a huge hug-
    even though I knew
    he was barely there...

    But I didn't want to leave
    even when his hand
    was hard and cold
    I couldn't believe
    that my fiancee was gone
    at only 22 years old..

    The police told me
    to get off of the bed-

    As they pulled me off of him
    my stomach filled with dread

    I took one last look at
    my soulmate
    my heart
    filled with an ache
    of love
    and hate.

    Goodbye my NYC boy,
    you brought me love, immense joy

    I need to move on now
    even though
    I know
    that I will never find
    another "Aaron"
    and that leaves my heart
    and my soul empty-
    completely barren.

    Written on September 2, 2013 in dedication to my fiancee Aaron who took his life in a desperate act of impulsiveness and selfishness...I miss him, but I also allow myself to be angry with him. Thank you.
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Wow,Jessie!This isn't what I expected!It's ten times better than I ever thought you'd write.I thought I'd be a "Aaron this,Aaron that".This is both heartfelt and great poetry!I hope you get some feedback on this,it deserves it!Another great piece,I'm very proud of you!As I come back to read this,again,let me add that I love the way you posted it.It has a great rhythm that helps the reader get the heaviness of the poem!Great job!
    Last edited by Doug Denslowe; 09-27-2013 at 08:34 PM. Reason: As I come back..........
  3. jessie zuppo's Avatar

    jessie zuppo said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Denslowe View Post
    Wow,Jessie!This isn't what I expected!It's ten times better than I ever thought you'd write.I thought I'd be a "Aaron this,Aaron that".This is both heartfelt and great poetry!I hope you get some feedback on this,it deserves it!Another great piece,I'm very proud of you!
    Thanks Dougie...wish I had the time to network with all the other great writers on this site- but, well, you know how my life is...lol, so thank you for the compliment..
  4. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    Jessie, one word = HEAVY. Make that two = HEAVY DUTY.

    From the opening words, I thought perhaps I would not like your poem--fearing it would be a reliving of gore. No way. HONESTY IN WORDS. Your expressions are direct, simply stated, but emotionally charged. Your personal experience of the entire sequence of events also allows the reader to become involved along with you (if s/he chooses--I did!). "Aaron" had to be painful to compose, bringing painful feelings and memories afresh. I hope you also found it cathartic.

    Jessie, I am also sad that you experienced such a tragic, life-altering trauma. Obviously you will never forget Aaron . . . May you be comforted.
  5. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie Jasmine View Post
    Jessie, one word = HEAVY. Make that two = HEAVY DUTY.

    From the opening words, I thought perhaps I would not like your poem--fearing it would be a reliving of gore. No way. HONESTY IN WORDS. Your expressions are direct, simply stated, but emotionally charged. Your personal experience of the entire sequence of events also allows the reader to become involved along with you (if s/he chooses--I did!). "Aaron" had to be painful to compose, bringing painful feelings and memories afresh. I hope you also found it cathartic.

    Jessie, I am also sad that you experienced such a tragic, life-altering trauma. Obviously you will never forget Aaron . . . May you be comforted.
    No,Frankie,this isn't fiction.That's why it's a "must read" rather than "one of the many".You're right,it does appear to be yet another "horror" post or something out of "Alfred Hitchcock Hour".No,this is all too true.I'm glad Jessie has finally put Aaron to rest in this compelling poem.
  6. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    dear Jessie- you have managed to describe a tragedy of immense intensity in such compact, yet clear, honest
    words not hiding it's uglyness, horror and despair that I sit here clinching my fists not to hit the wall full of anger at the world;
    Even so, you realize already bravely: "I need to move on now"...an astonishing sign of your budding strength, though you admit:
    "that I will never find another Aaron"

  7. jessie zuppo's Avatar

    jessie zuppo said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie Jasmine View Post
    Jessie, one word = HEAVY. Make that two = HEAVY DUTY.

    From the opening words, I thought perhaps I would not like your poem--fearing it would be a reliving of gore. No way. HONESTY IN WORDS. Your expressions are direct, simply stated, but emotionally charged. Your personal experience of the entire sequence of events also allows the reader to become involved along with you (if s/he chooses--I did!). "Aaron" had to be painful to compose, bringing painful feelings and memories afresh. I hope you also found it cathartic.

    Jessie, I am also sad that you experienced such a tragic, life-altering trauma. Obviously you will never forget Aaron . . . May you be comforted.
    Frankie, first of all it's an honor for me to have you read this piece! I love and admire your critique.
    Yes, Aaron's death was incredibly painful, but not so much anymore...instead of a pulsating and unrelenting pain/grief- today there is only the occasional 'ache'.... it's a process. And most definitely a cathartic one!

    In many of my poems, one thing I did learn from studying poetry/literature, was to add very visual and graphic adjectives as a way to draw the reader in more closely, almost to the point where the image of the work is vivid and realistic inside their minds. At the same time, there's a certain aspect of 'mystique' that a writer must adhere to, as this allows each individual reader the opportunity to speculate/analyze about the poem and draw their own independent
    Again, THANK YOU so much for your comments- it means the world to me!
  8. Eccer's Avatar

    Eccer said:


    Damn, this was hard to read. So much pain, real pain. How you managed to write this down, must have taken many years of consideration, but the important fact is, you really did it! Now unto the writing, the flow is really great here and easy to read. And every picture settles as the next unfolds and ends with a nice resolution. What you said about mystique is true, however such a piece like this. Deservers no more than this and what you have written here. True honesty and nothing more. Perhaps an improvement would be to expand your imagery through new words, and play with your imagination and connect that to pieces like this. But I don't know you, and I look forward to see more of you Keep writing, peace!
  9. jessie zuppo's Avatar

    jessie zuppo said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Eccer View Post
    Damn, this was hard to read. So much pain, real pain. How you managed to write this down, must have taken many years of consideration, but the important fact is, you really did it! Now unto the writing, the flow is really great here and easy to read. And every picture settles as the next unfolds and ends with a nice resolution. What you said about mystique is true, however such a piece like this. Deservers no more than this and what you have written here. True honesty and nothing more. Perhaps an improvement would be to expand your imagery through new words, and play with your imagination and connect that to pieces like this. But I don't know you, and I look forward to see more of you Keep writing, peace!
    I very much appreciate your critique of my poem. Thank you so much- yes, you are right- expanding out of my 'realist' poems would really catapult my writing...that is such an awesome suggestion! I will keep writing, it's therapeutic for me!