Sounds like M2M

Thread: Sounds like M2M

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  1. dwsiddall said:

    Default Sounds like M2M

    There is a song, that to me, sounds exactly like the group M2M.....but I have checked every song they do and haven't found this song.

    The lead singer is female, and sings in that "breathy" way. The line from the chorus is "Every day.......Every night......I....."

    Now.... the word "I" above is sung for a long time....several bars......really prolonged. The song is slowish and melancholy. I first heard in in the early 2000s in a store so it's from then or could be anytime before that...maybe even the 90s.

    Any help is greatly appreciated as I have been looking for this song for over 10 years.

    PS: There is nothing on Google, so if you search Google and write back about results found there, that's not it. I have searched and searched and searched.

    I am hoping someone personally remembers this song and can help.....
  2. jp12345 said: