Zed Bazi - Bargard Pisham (Aroosak)

Thread: Zed Bazi - Bargard Pisham (Aroosak)

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  1. Dariush11 said:

    Default Zed Bazi - Bargard Pisham (Aroosak)

    Hi, could some one please translate this song for me:

    Sobh pa misham mibinam yeki az axhato , miam donbalet mikham begiram dastato
    doost nadaram ke hich vaght bebinam ashkhato , bebinam akhmato chon shenidam harfato
    khodet midooni ke to duff e mani , yekar azat mikham kheili ham hast kare kami
    ye vaght pa nashi ba kasi beri jaye badi , hamisheo hamishe bedoon ke male mani
    willy hich vaght hazer nist toro ba kasi avaz kone , doost dari ye kasi ba to bashe hamash doret
    pesary ba to vase faghat khodet , bekhare behtarin kado vase tavallodet
    vaghti behem migi doosam dari mifahmam , shookhi ke mikoni loosam bashi mikhandam
    too dava nemizanam dad too saret miam vase ashti mizaram ye mach roo labet
    khdodet midooni man dooset daram sobh beri ta shab bargard pisham
    mikham rooye labat boos bezaram chon faghat bato man sargarm misham

    mikham beram emrooz sare asle matlab , az duffam begam dige base kal kal
    bebin azizam gole man khoshgelam , mikham behet begam har chi goft delam
    be jaye inke tooye ahangam man fohsh bedam , ta bedooni ke doorit hast tanha moshkelam
    dooset daram man divane var , vali harchand kheili faselast miane ma
    az hamoon rooze avali ke didamet , ta oonroozi ke dige residam behet
    mikhastam bahat bemoonam man kheili , nemikhastam hich vaght az pisham beri
    har kari mikonam be eshghete , mikham esmet roo hame ja neveshte she
    to vaseye man hasti ye fereshte ke , bahash jahanamam mitoone behesht beshe
    khdodet midooni man dooset daram sobh beri ta shab bargard pisham
    mikham rooye labat boos bezaram chon faghat bato man sargarm misham

    too hame moshkelat boodi ba man , vaghti hich ki naboodam moondi vasam
    dooset daram are goosh kon , hazer nistam ba chizi avaz konam hatta ye tare mooto
    ashegham , asheghe sedaye latifet , divoonam mikoni ba oon negahe najibet
    ta alan boodi kheili vasam ba maram , fek nakonam kasi mese to bashe enghad bavafa
    googoolie naze man , vaghti labkhand mizani 2nya vasam mishe taze tar
    az vaghti shodi to male man , zendegim shode takmil dige kamelan
    dastaye nazeto bezar to dastaye man , bia bebaramet khoshgel vase sham emshab
    vaghti ba toam moshkelatam mishe sade tar , ba ham harf bezan mahe man
    khdoet midooni man dooset daram sobh beri ta shab bargard pisham
    mikham rooye labat boos bezaram chon faghat bato man sargarm misham

  2. ***Soniya***'s Avatar

    ***Soniya*** said:


    (Sobh pa misham mibinam yeki az axhato , miam donbalet mikham begiram dastato
    doost nadaram ke hich vaght bebinam ashkhato , bebinam akhmato chon shenidam harfato)

    === when I wake up in morning, I just look at one of your pictures. I come after you, I want to hold your hands. I do not like to see your tears, ever. I do not like to see your frown because I have heard the sound of your voice when you were happy. ( I just like to see you happy).


    (khodet midooni ke to duff e mani , yekar azat mikham kheili ham hast kare kami
    ye vaght pa nashi ba kasi beri jaye badi , hamisheo hamishe bedoon ke male mani)

    ===you yourself know that you are my girlfriend. I have a request from you and it is just a little request. Do not go anywhere with anyone else, just remember that always, always you are mine.


    (willy hich vaght hazer nist toro ba kasi avaz kone , doost dari ye kasi ba to bashe hamash doret
    pesary ba to vase faghat khodet , bekhare behtarin kado vase tavallodet)

    ===Willy would never leave you for someone else. Do you like to have someone always around you, always with you? To have a boyfriend that would be only yours? That would buy the best gifts for your birthdays.

    (vaghti behem migi doosam dari mifahmam , shookhi ke mikoni loosam bashi mikhandam
    too dava nemizanam dad too saret miam vase ashti mizaram ye mach roo labet)

    ===I would always understand and appreciate it when you say that you love me. Even if you say it coquettishly, I would laugh with you, I would be happy. If we ever quarreled , I would never raise my voice; if I ever offend you, I would come after you , I would kiss your lips till you forgive me.


    (khdodet midooni man dooset daram sobh beri ta shab bargard pisham
    mikham rooye labat boos bezaram chon faghat bato man sargarm misham)

    === you know that I love you. If you have to leave me at morning, come back to me at night again.
    I want to put kisses on your lips, cause you are the only one that makes my moments pass happily.


    (mikham beram emrooz sare asle matlab , az duffam begam dige base kal kal
    bebin azizam gole man khoshgelam , mikham behet begam har chi goft delam)

    ===today I want to say what is really in my heart. I want to really talk about my beloved, enough of beating about the bush, I want to talk frankly. Listen my darling, my flower, my beauty, I want to tell you all the secrets of my heart.


    (be jaye inke tooye ahangam man fohsh bedam , ta bedooni ke doorit hast tanha moshkelam
    dooset daram man divane var , vali harchand kheili faselast miane ma)

    === in stead of singing angry songs just to show you that I am upset since you are not with me, i would just say that I am madly in love with you, I am crazy for you, even though there is a long distance between us.


    (az hamoon rooze avali ke didamet , ta oonroozi ke dige residam behet
    mikhastam bahat bemoonam man kheili , nemikhastam hich vaght az pisham beri)

    === from the first moment that I saw you, till the moment that you became mine,
    I only wanted one thing and that was to be with you. I want you to always be with me, never leaving me.

    (har kari mikonam be eshghete , mikham esmet roo hame ja neveshte she
    to vaseye man hasti ye fereshte ke , bahash jahanamam mitoone behesht beshe)

    === you can do anything you like. I want your name to be written everywhere (I want to see your name everywhere) . you are for me an angel, such angel that could even turn hell to heaven.


    (khdodet midooni man dooset daram sobh beri ta shab bargard pisham
    mikham rooye labat boos bezaram chon faghat bato man sargarm misham)

    === you know that I love you. If you have to leave me at morning, come back to me at night again.
    I want to put kisses on your lips, cause you are the only one that makes my moments pass happily.


    (too hame moshkelat boodi ba man , vaghti hich ki naboodam moondi vasam
    dooset daram are goosh kon , hazer nistam ba chizi avaz konam hatta ye tare mooto)

    === in all my troubles you stood by me. When I was a nobody you stayed with me.
    I love you, yes just listen to me and believe me that I would not change so much as one single hair from your head with anyone else.


    (ashegham , asheghe sedaye latifet , divoonam mikoni ba oon negahe najibet
    ta alan boodi kheili vasam ba maram , fek nakonam kasi mese to bashe enghad bavafa)

    === I love you, I love your delicate beautiful voice. just one of your shy glances would make me madly in love. You have always stood by me, nobody is as faithful as you.


    (googoolie naze man , vaghti labkhand mizani 2nya vasam mishe taze tar
    az vaghti shodi to male man , zendegim shode takmil dige kamelan)

    === you are my pretty darling. When you smile, the whole world would become fresh, would become new for me. Ever since you have become mine, my life has become whole, I am complete.


    (dastaye nazeto bezar to dastaye man , bia bebaramet khoshgel vase sham emshab
    vaghti ba toam moshkelatam mishe sade tar , ba ham harf bezan mahe man)

    === put your delicate beautiful hands in mine, come my pretty let me take you to dinner tonight.
    When I am with you, all my problems become so simple. Talk to me my moon.


    (khdodet midooni man dooset daram sobh beri ta shab bargard pisham
    mikham rooye labat boos bezaram chon faghat bato man sargarm misham)

    === you know that I love you. If you have to leave me at morning, come back to me at night again.
    I want to put kisses on your lips, cause you are the only one that makes my moments pass happily.


    *** sonia ***