Album Art Meaning

Thread: Album Art Meaning

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  1. asasas said:

    Post Album Art Meaning

    Can someone say what the meaning behind this album art is?

  2. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:


    Since this is an anniversary album, I will try a guess.
    It's an album dedicated to the ten years of a group called "LocoMondo".
    They create a metaphor by using their journey in music industry and Odysseus 10 years journey from Troy back to his island, Ithaka.
    Such as Odysseus faced many misfortunes, Locomondo claim they faced obstacles.
    See the pictures and make a guess about the troubles they overcame.

    I hope I helped!
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"