behind the next wave

Thread: behind the next wave

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  1. Jane99 said:

    Default behind the next wave

    Hi please tell m ewhat you think about it


    Stand up when you fall
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Believe in the impossible
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Show them what you’re made of
    You never know what’s behind the next wave

    Keep believing in your dream
    Keep your faith
    Never let none tell you it’s impossible
    Make the impossible possible
    You got everything you need for that

    stand up when you fall
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Believe in the impossible
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Show them what you’re made of
    You never know what’s behind the next wave

    Will it work out
    You’ll never know
    If you don’t try
    Nothing’s impossible
    You’ve goz the will and the faith

    stand up when you fall
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Believe in the impossible
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Show them what you’re made of
    You never know what’s behind the next wave

    Maybe you will fail
    But that doesn’t matter cause you’ve tried

    stand up when you fall
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Believe in the impossible
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Show them what you’re made of
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
  2. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    Good advice and very encouraging. You've helped me get through the day!