Clickety Clack

Thread: Clickety Clack

Tags: doug denslowe, doug denslowe song
  1. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:

    Cool Clickety Clack

    Thoughts go spinning
    Thru time and space
    The laws of physics
    No longer embrace

    Find yourself hitchhiking
    On stardust trail
    Everything crumbles
    Like yesterday's mail

    Clickety Clickety
    Clickety Clack
    Midnight Sun
    Is coming back

    Ask the Watcher
    Which way to go
    He simply shrugs
    "I don't know"

    Dr.Strange floats by
    And gives you a wink
    Reality collapses
    Awaken in the sink

    Written 3/23/2014
    Last edited by Doug Denslowe; 02-13-2016 at 07:19 AM. Reason: Took out the word "on"
  2. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    Yes! Great follow-up to Midnight Sun indeed! I am duly impressed, Doug. This poem is even tighter, with great metaphors, visuals, and even your (signature, but) unexpected "last-word" surprise!
  3. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie Jasmine View Post
    Yes! Great follow-up to Midnight Sun indeed! I am duly impressed, Doug. This poem is even tighter, with great metaphors, visuals, and even your (signature, but) unexpected "last-word" surprise!
    When you wrote that "I should write more Poetry" (Midnight Sun Comment #12)I came up with this.The "problem" is these poems/songs used to just "come to me" if you know what I mean.I never sat down and said,"I shall write a song!"It came SO easy,I started to think that it was always going to be like that!I finally found my well dried up,and I had to put some effort and thought into my pieces.NOTE:I paused for a moment and this just dawned on me:When I was writing before,I was also playing and singing with guitar players and the "vibe" of participating in music may have been the spark that lit the fuse........if you get my meaning.Now,I'm playing music on an ipod,when I take my daily strolls.Not quite the same energy to create.Anyhow,hopefully,if I ever start playing
    music again,it'll come back without the struggle it's been lately.If I'm forced to write something it's not as organic as if I have it "come from space"!!!(You,the reader,can fill in the word "space" with something more suited to your liking.)
    Last edited by Doug Denslowe; 03-27-2014 at 08:50 AM. Reason: Minor corrections.......