
Thread: Fathers

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  1. trueperfectionisimperfect said:

    Default Fathers

    This is dedicated to my dad and any other dad. They work just as hard and ask nothing in return. Who can honestly say that they work just has hard on Father's Day as they do mothers. We know you don't expect us to show we care but we do. Thanks for the knowledge you gave me

    He is half of your beginning
    But is forgotten to be thanked
    He will always protect you
    But a hero he isn't ranked

    Fly you like a plane
    So you can reach new heights
    Always has your corner
    No matter who's to fight

    Fathers are forgotten
    At the end of the day
    Dads unappreciated
    Love left astray

    His energy unrelenting
    Full of knowledge to get you by
    There to help you up
    And never let you cry

    Try to make you smile
    Always one last ride
    Face any of the giants
    He's always at your side

    Fathers are forgotten
    At the end of the day
    Dads unappreciated
    Love left astray

    Now don't get me wrong
    Mums are wonderful too
    But maybe stop and say
    Also Dad I love you

    So keep them in mind
    Not just on there special day
    Nothing needs to be said
    Just show them love in your own way
  2. BackInBlack's Avatar

    BackInBlack said:


    Dad's are under-appreciated. Nice ditty in honor. An ode to dads. Cool.
  3. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    Thanks pal got to respect them lol
  4. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Hahaha! I come from a family where mother day was disgusted by - my mother, and dad didn't care about any special words of
    praise either. However, this said, I think one could in certain families and as a society song call this a Welcome Protest, as
    mothers day here in Finland is really gone off the rail, as if their task is way bigger than dads doings.
    That ain't the case. I agree

  5. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    To right I think both have equal roles to play
  6. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    Thank you so much for writing and posting this. My Dad IS my Hero, even more bcs he mostly had to do it alone since I was 10, after my Mom died in an accident. But all dads who are "there" deserve any effort of love and appreciation that we can offer them. It's really great that you took the time to reserve this space for Dad's Day and thank you again, all of you.

    amaryn, extra thanks to you for bumping this just a few days before Fathers Day here in the USA
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  7. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    We don't truly appreciate dads until they're gone.
  8. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    I'm sorry to hear about your mum but your dad really does sound heroic. They are the silent heros who give you advice and help without any more needing to be said. They can be the bad guy that forces you to be the best. My day forced and pushed me hard and I hated him for it when younger but now I can see it was all for the best and I'd never change a thing about it. Glad you enjoyed the lyrics and high 5 to yours and all other heroic dads