Mrozu - Nic do stracenia (Polish into english)

Thread: Mrozu - Nic do stracenia (Polish into english)

Tags: mrozu, nic do stracenia, polish
  1. escjoe said:

    Default Mrozu - Nic do stracenia (Polish into english)

    Please I need the translation into english of this song

    "Nic do stracenia"

    Podnosimy się, upadamy
    Gubimy i znów szukamy
    Odchodzimy wciąż, powracamy
    Po drodze tam, gdzie zmierzamy

    Zarwiemy noc, potłuczemy szkła
    Zedrzemy głos kolejny raz...

    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Do stracenia
    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Do stracenia

    Na pomoc! Nie używajmy szyfrów
    Wyciągnij z labiryntu mnie
    Na pomoc! Potrzebujemy prawdy
    Czy teraz nam wystarczy jej?

    Ten niepewny ton
    I kłamcy syndrom musi zniknąć
    To ich widmo
    Na przeszkodzie staje nam
    Potłuczemy szkła, zedrzemy głos kolejny raz...

    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Do stracenia
    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)

    Musimy przenosić góry i biec pod wiatr
    Tak by runęły mury, co dzielą nas
    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Do stracenia

    Za mało bywa w nas empatii
    Zakładamy maski złe
    Za mało potrafimy dostrzec
    Musimy z tego podnieść się...

    Zapamiętajcie to, bracia i siostry
    Po co palić mosty?
    Wyciągnijmy wnioski
    To, co dajesz wraca wnet
    Potłuczemy szkła, zedrzemy głos kolejny raz...

    Nie mamy nic do stracenia klaszcz
    Stanowimy jedno
    Nie mamy nic do stracenia klaszcz
    Nic już tego nie zmieni
    Nie mamy nic do stracenia klaszcz
    Wiem to na pewno
    Nie mamy nic...

    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Do stracenia
    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Musimy przenosić góry i biec pod wiatr
    Tak by runęły mury, co dzielą nas
    Nie mamy nic, nie mamy nic (oooou)
    Do stracenia

    Thanks in advance
  2. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Google is not perfect but I think it's close. I tried to correct a few things that didn't make sense but I don't know Polish.
    Green doesn't make sense to me, blue is what I tried to correct.

    (Paul, can you help?)

    "Nothing to Lose"

    We raise up, we fall
    We lose, and again we are looking for
    We come away still, we return
    On the way there, where we are going

    Zarwiemy night, beat the glass
    Rip voice again ...

    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    to lose
    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    to lose

    Help! Let's not use codes
    Pull me out of the maze
    Help! We need the truth
    Is it enough for us now?

    The uncertain tone
    And liars syndrome has to go
    It is th
    eir spectrum
    An obstacle is us
    Beat glass, rip voice again ...
    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    to lose
    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)

    We need to move up and run against the wind
    So that the collapsed walls that divide us
    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    to lose

    Too little happens in our empathy
    We assume the bad mask
    Not enough can see
    We need to pick up the ...

    Remember this, brothers and sisters
    Why burn bridges?
    draw your own conclusions
    What you give comes back soon
    Beat glass, rip voice again ...

    We have nothing to lose clap
    We are one
    We have nothing to lose clap
    Nothing can change that
    We have nothing to lose clap
    I know this for sure
    We have nothing ...

    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    to lose
    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    We need to move up and run against the wind
    So that the collapsed walls that divide us
    We have nothing, we have nothing (oooou)
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  3. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    zarwiemy noc - lit. "we'll tear down the night"; it is a colloqual idiom, it means : they say they will not sleep in the night, so, probably, they will be sleepy the next day.

    We need to move up and run against the wind
    "Tak by runęły mury, co dzielą nas" - to break walls that divide us

    "potłuczemy / zbijemy szkła" - we'll break "glass" (stuff of glass you use to drink),
    "zedrzemy głos" - we'll strain our voices
    "kolejny raz" - one more time

    "Zakładamy maski złe" : NOT : we assume bad mask, just : we put on (or wear) bad (or rather : angry) masks

    Last edited by bandziol20; 01-08-2015 at 03:11 AM.
  4. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:


    We'll be up all night, we'll shatter glass,
    we'll shout the voice off

    to make walls fall that divide us