Song title/artist unknown

Thread: Song title/artist unknown

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  1. canasia_us said:

    Default Song title/artist unknown

    Have another song that I've had for ages but do not know the title or artist to.

    Here is the link:

  2. cbwillallen25's Avatar

    cbwillallen25 said:


    This is a tough one. Here's a thread made previously, I posted lyrics to this song.
  3. canasia_us said:


    Well, thanks so much for all the effort that went into trying to identify this one. It's the last one I have that's not identified, and it looks like it might never be. Again, thanks.

  4. cbwillallen25's Avatar

    cbwillallen25 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by canasia_us View Post
    Well, thanks so much for all the effort that went into trying to identify this one. It's the last one I have that's not identified, and it looks like it might never be. Again, thanks.

    It will be identified. I've seen plenty of near impossible songs solved on here. I asked if anyone knew anything about "Danny and John Rocket - Don't Go Breaking My Heart" because I couldn't find anything about it.