Take Me To The Disco
Verse 1
Loosen up naturally
Like me that way
Glad about it
Sweet and simple
Everyone deserves music
Music for your neighbourhood
Something old, something new
Lights and shadows
N-u-d-e dimensions
Moving cities
East to west and back again
Friends and lovers
Love and dancing
So good together
Dreams of passion
Verse 2
Shockwave of kisses
Wrapped in rainbows
How sweet the sound
Simply delicious
Bodies that matter
Shake it all about
Foggy highway
The moon and Antarctica
Only the good parts
Moment to moment
On wings of a dove
Beyond a dream
It's getting better
Across a crowded room
Finally alone with you
Take me to the disco
The night is calling for me
I'm tired of being stuck in the suburbs
All things bright and beautiful appeal to me
I want to travel the world
Through dance and sensation
Take me to the disco
Written by B. (Wednesday, July 30, 2014)
Copyright 2014