I'm looking for help identifying a song I heard on the radio the other day.

It sounds a bit like a showtune/song from a musical, and opens with a line something like "It's great to be a writer/now that I have time to write".

It's sung by a woman, and proceeds into a humorous, upbeat song about a break-up, proceeding to lyrics like "I don't have to hold in my farts/or cover my OCD" -- "I can get my own way right away..."

Anyway, it was catchy and cheered me up when I heard it. I tried googling it without success. Does anyone know a song that sounds like this, or a musical that has a song in it like this?

Thanks for your help!

P.S. I think the singer had an English accent. I heard the song on a radio station local to St. Albans, in the UK. I've emailed them to ask but not sure if they'll have time to spend on questions like this!