Pepe Tovar- El Adios de un Jinete

Thread: Pepe Tovar- El Adios de un Jinete

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  1. Haybaler97 said:

    Default Pepe Tovar- El Adios de un Jinete

    Could someone please post the lyrics to this song by Pepe Tovar? The song means a lot to me but I want to make sure I'm hearing everything right.
  2. bboyal1 said:


    Phew! That took a while, but it has been funny...

    Here you go, hope it helps

    El adiós de un jinete:
    -A horseman's goodbye:

    Adiós les dice un jinete
    que tiene que marchar

    -Goodbye waves you a horseman
    -who's got to leave

    Allá donde yo me encuentre
    también les voy a extrañar

    -Wherever I be
    -I'll miss you too

    Me voy por un largo viaje
    no los quiero ver llorar

    -I'm going for a long journey
    -I don't want to see you cry (Until this point, when he says "you", he's adressing to his family and friends)

    Me llevo entre mi equipaje
    mis ajuares de montar

    -I carry among my luggage
    -my riding "trousseau" (gear, tools, etc)

    Adiós madrecita chula
    no me alcancé a despedir

    -Goodbye (cocky, cool, nice, good looking) mother
    -I couldn't make to tell you goodbye

    Me hubiera gustado darte
    un beso antes de partir

    -I would have liked to give you
    -a kiss before leaving

    Me avisaron de repente
    que al cielo tengo que ir

    -They warned me all of a sudden
    -I got to go to heaven

    Tienen allá un jaripeo
    y en el voy a competir

    -They got a jaripeo (in this modality, they use a single rope around the horse or bull torax) going on there
    -in which I am going to compete

    Me llevo mis chaparreras,
    las espuelas y el petar

    -I take with me
    -(riding gear, sorry, too technic for me...)

    y es que el domingo en la gloria
    tengo una monta especial

    -because sunday in "la gloria"
    -I have a special ride

    montaré un toro matrero
    no sé ni de qué corral

    -I'm riding a (expert, well knowing his role) bull
    -I don't even know from which farmyard

    se lo prometí a San Pedro
    y yo no sé quedar mal

    -I promised to Saint Peter
    -and I don't know how to fail my word

    Adiós hermanos y padre
    los llevo en el corazón

    -Goodbye, siblings and father
    -I have you in my heart

    No quiero el llanto de nadie
    dedíquenme una canción

    -I don't want nobody's cryings
    -dedicate a song to me

    Porque en las verdes praderas
    donde yo esté con dios

    -Because on the green prairies
    -in which I be with god

    seguiré montando toros
    ya saben que es mi pasión

    -I'll continue riding bulls
    -you already know is my passion

    Hermano, fiel compañero
    las gracias hoy te daré

    -Brother, faithful companion
    -today thanks, to you I will give

    Me regalaste el sombrero
    que yo siempre codicié

    -you gave me, as a gift, the hat
    -I had always coveted

    se me verá "re"bonito
    cuando vaya a saludar

    -it will wear (double)pretty
    -when I reverence

    cuando entre aplausos y grito
    me gane el primer lugar

    -when among cheers and applauses
    -I earn myself the first place

    Me llevo mis chaparreras,
    las espuelas y el petar

    -I take with me
    -(riding gear, sorry, too technic for me...)

    y es que el domingo en la gloria
    tengo una monta especial

    -because sunday in "la gloria"
    -I have a special ride

    montaré un toro matrero
    no sé ni de qué corral

    -I'm riding a (expert, well knowing his role) bull
    -I don't even know from which farmyard

    se lo prometí a San Pedro
    y yo no sé quedar mal

    -I promised to Saint Peter
    -and I don't know how to fail my word

  3. Haybaler97 said:


    Thanks for the reply BboyAL! Great translation.