Names of sites which can identify a song by some of its words

Thread: Names of sites which can identify a song by some of its words

Tags: christmas song, podcast, rnb, title request
  1. Soulman25 said:

    Default Names of sites which can identify a song by some of its words

    Hi everyone,

    I want to identify a song which appears on a podcast.
    The song starts at 01:29:50 on this podcast :

    The chorus starts with :
    come on everybody lets celebrate no matter what you do just do your thing

    Didn't get good results after google/bing/yahoo of this search: lyrics christmas kitchen no matter lets celebrate

    I tried also to use the engine but got no results.

    So do you know of any sites which have an engine that can identify a song's title after the user enters some of the song's words ?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. jp12345 said:

    Cool Google worked for me...

  3. Soulman25 said:


    @jp12345 many, many thanks
    Can you please tell me what was your google search ?
  4. jp12345 said:


    It was the first result here when you search for: "made it through another 365" "holidays". Always put each phrase in quotes. The site for the song doesn't show up here if you search for the same phrase without quotes, like this: made it through another 365 holidays

    You also have to search for unusual phrases in the song. "no matter let's celebrate" is way too common. The song is the second result when you search here for: "everybody" "let's celebrate" "no matter what" "just do" lyrics.
  5. Soulman25 said:


    @jp12345, thanks again for the detailed answer.
    I have some remarks:
    1. I did use unusual words - I put the word kitchen which is unusual for a song.
    2. Your first tip is what "makes the difference" - putting phrases in quotes.
    3. It seems that another thing that caused me to fail. I'm outside the US but always use on my searches. But only yesterday I learned that Google made a change in March 2015 :
    "How Google Made It A Little Harder To Reach From Outside The US" -
    and here's a working solution to that problem :
  6. jp12345 said:


    3. Oh, that explains it because I'm in the US.