في شي بين الضلوع بيقولولو قــلب
There's something between your ribs, it's called a heart
بعده بيتعذب موجوع بدو يلاقي حب
It's still hurting from its troubles, it wants to find love

أتركني موتني بحبك
Leave me and kill me with your love
شاركني بدقة قلبك
Join me with your beating heart

أتركني أخلق معك
Leave me to be born with you(start anew)
لأفرح ازعل معك
Celebrate and be upset with you
خليني أبلش معك
Let me start with you
يأول دقة قلب
The first heart beat

دفيني بحب الدفا
Keep we warm with your warming love
احرقني بغمرة حنانك
Burn me with your hug of tenderness
انا قلبي نورو انطفا
My hearts fire blew out/was turned off
لوما شعلت غرامك
When your love was started

غرامك اجمل وجع
Your love is the best hurt
غلغل فييييي تملكني
It cuddled in me and possessed me
صرخ قلبي من الولع
My heart screamed from the fondness
حبيبي ما تتركني ...
My love don't leave me

في شي بين الضلوع بيقولولو قــلب
There's something between your ribs, it's called a heart
بعده بيتعذب موجوع بدو يلاقي حب
It's still hurting from its troubles, it wants to find love

أتركني موتني بحبك
Leave me and kill me with your love
شاركني بدقة قلبك
Join me with your beating heart

أتركني أخلق معك
Leave me to be born with you(start anew)
لأفرح ازعل معك
Celebrate and be upset with you
خليني أبلش معك
Let me start with you

يأول دقة قلب
The first heart beat