Hello everyone, can anyone translate me this song from Wael Jassar https://youtu.be/Mfi6tw_LjWw ??? I need this lyrics in Arabic (not Arabic letters) and English...pleaaaseeethank youu
Hello everyone, can anyone translate me this song from Wael Jassar https://youtu.be/Mfi6tw_LjWw ??? I need this lyrics in Arabic (not Arabic letters) and English...pleaaaseeethank youu
اذا ما كنت بخاف عليك ع مين بدي خاف
azha ma kont bkhaf a‘lyk a’myn bady khaf
If I am not afraid (worried, concerned) about you, for whom I am going to be afraid about?!
واذا بتدقك شوكة يمكن انا قلبي يوقف
wazha btdqk shwka yemkn ana qalby yowqf
And if you got hurt by a thorn, my heart might stop beating!
عمري و حياتي فيك
Omry w hyaty fyki
My years and my years are dedicated for you
ربي الي يخليك
raby aly ykhlyki
May God for me to keep you! (May God keeps your to me)
حبيبي اسمعني دخيلك
habibi asm‘ny dkhylk
My love, listen to me, I beseech you
ما بدي وصيك
ma bady wsyk
I don’t want to advice you (There is no need to direct your attention that you have to take good care of yourself)
انتبه عحالك كرمالي يعني انتبهلي عحالي
Entbh a’halk krmaly y‘ny antbhly a‘haly
Take care of yourself for my sake, it means that you take care of me (if you are going to take care of yourself, it means a lot to me, like you are taking care of me)
مين قلك حتى ان ما شفتك مش كل لحظة انت ببالي
meyn qalk hata an ma shoftk msh kol lhza anta bebaly
Who told you even if I didn’t see you that you are not every moment in my mind! (You are always in mind even if for a moment I might not be able to see you)
ازعل انا وانت ما تزعل
aza‘l ana wa ant ma tza‘l
I might get upset but you won’t get upset ( I don’t mind if I got upset as long as you are doing well)
كرمالك كل شي بتحمل
kermalk kol shy bathamal
For you I can handle everything!
كان رخيص العمر و حدك
kan rekhys al omr wa hadk
My life was cheap but with you…
صار العمر علي غالي
sar al omr a‘lya ghaly
My life becomes so precious!
دخيلك ما تزيد ببعدك انا متل الضايع من بعدك
dakhylk ma tzyd be bw adak ana mthel a ldaya men ba‘dak
I beseech you, don’t make your absence for too long, I am like lost after you!
كل دقيقة بسأل عنك تيتعب مني سؤالي
kol daqyqa basal anak tayta‘b meny sowaly
Every minute I am asking about you, till my question get tired of me!
I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.
Thank youuuu sooooooo muchh ☺