Eudaimon - if you feel like doing another translation, I would be indebted ...

Thread: Eudaimon - if you feel like doing another translation, I would be indebted ...

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  1. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:

    Default Eudaimon - if you feel like doing another translation, I would be indebted ...

  2. Eudaimon said:


    Through drowse and sleep
    I'm hearing the mellow peal
    These are heralds of sunrise -
    Cymbals ringing in the grass
    These are bunches of rowan
    That flared among the Russian plains
    This is something that touched my soul
    In my native wilderness

    Mellow peal at the dawn
    Tell my dear land
    That I'm in love with it since my childhood
    Like with that mellow peal

    This mellow peal
    Is coming from mother's windows
    From that high star
    And from the disaster that has passed by
    The dusty road will get warm
    Where we roamed about the fields
    Where at the dawn you can hear
    The mellow peal as if through sleep
