What's the name of this EDM track ??

Thread: What's the name of this EDM track ??

Tags: 2015, dance mix, edm, electro/dubstep/house
  1. NorthSiderSkux said:

    Default What's the name of this EDM track ??


    It starts at 1:46 in this video

    Lyrics for reference:

    Flowers, after midnight
    It Seems strange
    But its alright
    In the morning, when i wake up
    I see the flowers, after midnight
    It seems strange, but its alright
    Outside there's a huge mess?
    You caught me getting undressed
    I hope somebody got my SMS
    Never say no, never say no x 2
    Last edited by NorthSiderSkux; 02-28-2016 at 08:37 AM.
  2. jp12345 said: