Does anybody have the complete lyrics, please?
Does anybody have the complete lyrics, please?
This sounds like such a nice German love song, just wish I understood more of it
Als ich zum ersten mal von dir geträumpt hat
Habben wir noch alle kleider an
Als ich zum ersten mal ??? von dir geträumpt hat
Really need help with this
Last edited by Jan Booysen; 03-28-2016 at 05:34 AM.
Hello Jan, where could we listen to the complete song? I guess it might be possible to note down the lyrics while listening to the song!
होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
Hi Steena,
I was only able to listen to partial clips on the internet:ückstraumückstraum/dp/B00BYT13LG
I could maybe give someone a $10 amazon gift card if they could note down the lyrics for me. That would leave a bit for that person to buy something they want also.