Philemon Wehbe - Kalashnikov

Thread: Philemon Wehbe - Kalashnikov

Tags: lebanese, philemon wehbe
  1. SongCat's Avatar

    SongCat said:

    Post Philemon Wehbe - Kalashnikov

    Could anyone help with the lyrics for this great old Lebanese song by Philemon Wehbe?

    Here is the link to the YouTube video: - it's a wonderful live performance from 1976, really funny and worth checking out!!

    I'd love to get the Arabic lyrics plus English translation, but just the Arabic would be fine, too. Thanks sooooo much in advance!

    Last edited by SongCat; 04-10-2016 at 04:45 AM. Reason: fixing typo
  2. Pheline said:


    i would like these lyrics too. Philemon Wehbe must have a big feline fanbase!