Hi everyone,
I can't remember what song and band was that, but I remember the music video:

There are 2 or 3 girls and a man with moustache traveling on a van or minibus (maybe a red volkswagen van, but I'm not sure) and they keep taking photos (polaroids) of each other with false perspective (examples: a girl far away looks little and a feet close to the camera looks giant above the girl; I remember a scene in which the man throws some oranges up in the air and in the photo it looks like he is playing like a juggler with lots of balls; I remember a scene where one of the girls has some fruits and in the photo it looks like a fruit hat on her). They keep attaching the photos on their van/bus.
There's a bit of rap sang by one of the girls while they walk in a street. They're always dressed colorfull, in the end they have an accident and the van/bus crashes near a tree and the photos they took fall everywhere and the girls and the man stand on the ground.

The song is pop with a bit of funky, I think something between the years 2000-2010. The man in never singing, while the voices in the song are always from the girls. It is a happy song, the band components look like great friends in the video.

Thank you all