Tim Morrison vocal from another era.
Her hair is dark and it lays on her shoulders
And When she touches me, I feel bold
Her eyes are blue and they sparkle like starlight
And when they're watching me, I feel right
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Her body's soft when she's laying beside me
Her love is real and it's good to me
Her love is here and it's all inside me
And when I'm with her then I feel free
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place
I'm not saying you haven't done me well
Time will tell that you've been kind
So don't go praying for me to change my mind
I'm not that kind, you should know me well
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place
Somebody's Taken Your Place