Nancy Ajram - 3am Bet3alla2 Feek

Thread: Nancy Ajram - 3am Bet3alla2 Feek

Tags: 2016, 3am bet3alla2 feek, am betalla fik, nancy ajram, zucute
  1. zucute's Avatar

    zucute said:

    Cool Nancy Ajram - 3am Bet3alla2 Feek

    Nancy brought me here again

    I can't stop to listen to this lovely song which I don't even know its meaning lol


    sorry I can't provide arabic lyrics, as it's hard to find any out there

    please anyone.. help me translate this song

    cc amira, angelhero *hi*
  2. Shanaa's Avatar

    Shanaa said:


    عم بتعلق فيك شويّ شويّ، وعم حس بحنية
    ولا مرّة حسيتها بعمري اللي عشته انا
    قلي انك حاسس فيي، وشايف شو بيحكوا عينيي
    لما بتمرق حدّي وبرجف قدامك انا

    انا عم بلّش حبّك، انا لما بشوفك بتلبّك
    مع انك بتضلّك ساكت، قلبي عم يسمعك
    انا عم حبّك هلق، انا بعيونك عم بتعلّق
    بالإيام اللي جايي حدّي عم بقشعك

    كلّن عم يحكوني، كلّ شويّ بيسألوني
    شو تغيّر فيي وشو صارلي، عنن عم بختفي
    شوف بقلّن؟ عشقانة بقلّن، بعيونك غرقانة بقلّن
    على قلبك هربانة، تركني اتخبّى فيه

    انا عم بلش حبّك، انا لما بشوفك بتلبّك
    مع انك بتضلّك ساكت، قلبي عم يسمعك
    انا عم حبّك هلق، انا بعيونك عم بتعلّق

    -- here's the lyrics, I'm not very good at translation yet so (sorry I'm too shy to really try yet ), anyone else can feel free to try, and thanks in advance~
  3. zucute's Avatar

    zucute said:


    thank you so much dear Shanaa!
    hope it will get translated soon
  4. Shanaa's Avatar

    Shanaa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by zucute View Post
    thank you so much dear Shanaa!
    hope it will get translated soon
    I'll try it out and see if I can get it translated, also your welcome.
  5. lawmatiji said:


    Based on the lyrics provided in this thread:

    3am bet3alla2 fik shwayy shwayy
    I'm slowly getting attached to you
    w 3am 7ess b-7aniyyi
    And I feel a tenderness
    wala marra 7asseita b-3omri elli 3ashto ana
    That I have never felt before in my life
    2elli ennak 7asses fiyyi w shayef shou bye7ko 3aynayi
    Tell me that you feel for me and see what my eyes are saying
    lamma btimro2 7addi w birjouf (?) edamak ana
    When you pass by me and I quiver (?) before you

    ana 3am ballesh 7ebbak
    I'm starting to love you
    ana lamma bshoufak bitlabbak (?)
    When I see you, I ??? you
    ma3 ennak bitdallak saket 2albi 3am yisma3k
    Even though you stay quiet/silent, my heart can hear you/is listening to you
    ana 3am 7ebbak halla2
    I love you right now
    ana b-3younak 3am bit3alla2
    I'm getting attached to your eyes
    bel-iyyem elli jayi 7addi 3am bi2sha3k(?)
    In the coming days beside me I'll ??? you

    kellon 3am ye7kouni
    Everyone is talking to me
    kell shwayy byisa2louni
    Everyone is asking me
    shou tghayyar fiyyi shou sarli
    What's changed about me, what happened to me
    3annon 3am bikhtifi (?)
    shouf b2ellon 3ash2ani(?) b2ellon b-3younak ghar2ani (?) b2ellon
    See? I tell them, ???, I tell them, I'm drowning (?) in your eyes, I tell them
    3ala 2albak harbani (?) trekni w tkhabba fih
    You took me into you heart, and left me there/kept me there/hid me there

    ana 3am ballesh 7ebbak
    I'm starting to love you
    ana lamma bshoufak bitlabbak (?)
    When I see you, I ??? you
    ma3 ennak bitdallak saket 2albi 3am yisma3k
    Even though you stay quiet/silent, my heart can hear you/is listening to you
    ana 3am 7ebbak halla2
    I love you right now
    ana b-3younak 3am bit3alla2
    I'm getting attached to your eyes
    bel-iyyem elli jayi 7addi 3am bi2sha3k (?)
    In the coming days be beside me ???

    I marked words and sentences whose exact meaning I'm not sure about with ??? and (?).

    Feel free to correct my mistakes and hopefully someone else will fill in the blanks I left.
    Last edited by lawmatiji; 01-01-2017 at 04:26 AM.
  6. zucute's Avatar

    zucute said:


    thank you so much dear lawmatiji!
    now it become easier to understand
    hope someone will help to perfect its lyrics n translations
  7. lawmatiji said:


    By the way, I do have some guesses as to what some of the words I missed mean:

    غرق - to drown?

    So بعيونك غرقانة (b-3younak ghar2ani) could have something to do with 'drowning in your eyes'? I'm not 100% sure. The ending is throwing me off.

    رجف - to quiver?

    So لما بتمرق حدّي وبرجف قدامك انا (lamma btimro2 7addi birjouf edamak ana) could mean something like 'When you pass by me I quiver before you'?

    هربانة - to run away?

    I'm not sure what it means in this context على قلبك هربانة.

    Hopefully a native or someone more advanced steps in.
  8. Shanaa's Avatar

    Shanaa said:


    thanks for the help lawmatiji! I had the same translation for " لما بتمرق حدّي وبرجف قدامك انا "~ so I bet its correct.

    "على قلبك هربانة، تركني اتخبّى فيه"

    Maybe this means something along the lines of; "You took me into you heart, and left me there/kept me there"
  9. lawmatiji said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Shanaa View Post
    thanks for the help lawmatiji! I had the same translation for " لما بتمرق حدّي وبرجف قدامك انا "~ so I bet its correct.

    "على قلبك هربانة، تركني اتخبّى فيه"

    Maybe this means something along the lines of; "You took me into you heart, and left me there/kept me there"
    It could be. It may be something like: "You took me into your heart على قلبك هربانة (3ala 2albak harbani). Leave me there تركني (trekni) and hide me there اتخبّى فيه (thabba fih)!" Or "You take me into your heart, and you leave me there and hide me there." Or what you have. I can't tell if it's the imperative or the subjunctive present tense (the one without the b- prefix) or the past tense. Yours is shorter and fits the song format better, though, so I'm not sure the tenses matter that much as long as people get the basic meaning of the sentence. So I'd go with what you have.

    I'll use it in the translation above if you don't mind.

    EDIT: Any guesses for بتلبّك (bitlabbak) and بختفي (bikhtifi)?
    Last edited by lawmatiji; 01-01-2017 at 04:40 AM.
  10. Shanaa's Avatar

    Shanaa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lawmatiji View Post
    It could be. It may be something like: "You took me into your heart على قلبك هربانة (3ala 2albak harbani). Leave me there تركني (trekni) and hide me there اتخبّى فيه (thabba fih)!" Or "You take me into your heart, and you leave me there and hide me there." Or what you have. I can't tell if it's the imperative or the subjunctive present tense (the one without the b- prefix) or the past tense. Yours is shorter and fits the song format better, though, so I'm not sure the tenses matter that much as long as people get the basic meaning of the sentence. So I'd go with what you have.

    I'll use it in the translation above if you don't mind.

    EDIT: Any guesses for بتلبّك (bitlabbak) and بختفي (bikhtifi)?
    Sure go right ahead~!

    As for "بغمرك بتلبك " I think it could translate as something along the lines of "when I see you I'm overwhelmed by you". I could be wrong of course but I believe "بتلبك" means "Overwhelmed by you".

    I was a bit confused by this as well, "بختفي" I thought means "disappearing (from sight)" -- so, I'm a bit confused on that one.
  11. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lawmatiji View Post

    EDIT: Any guesses for بتلبّك (bitlabbak) and بختفي (bikhtifi)?
    Hi nice translation thanks

    Bitlabak is "confuse"
  12. zucute's Avatar

    zucute said:



    official lyrics out now