Hani El Omary - "Halle' ya Lebnan" lyrics request

Thread: Hani El Omary - "Halle' ya Lebnan" lyrics request

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  1. Pheline said:

    Lightbulb Hani El Omary - "Halle' ya Lebnan" lyrics request

    Can anyone help me with the lyrics to this song حلق يا لبنان from this old MEA commercial?


    I found an unanswered post for this song already on the site from 2008 but it had a bad link, so I am making a new request. I know it is silly and even corny, but I would still like to know the lyrics. Thank you in advance.
    Last edited by Pheline; 08-03-2018 at 07:06 PM. Reason: Correcting typo