
Thread: Serbian...

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  1. Sashka's Avatar

    Sashka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by deni View Post
    Priča o Vasi Ladačkom

    Znate l' priču o Vasi Ladačkom? I ja sam je tek onomad čuo.
    Do you know the story of Vasa Ladachki (it's a name). I heard it just a while ago
    Jednom devet dana nije izlazio iz birtije, kažu da je bio čudna sorta...
    Once he didn't come out of tavern for 9 days,he is said to be of a strange kind
    Otac mu je bio sitni paor, 'ranio je sedam gladnih usti'.
    His father was "commoner", 'he fed 7 hungry mouths'.
    Mati mu je bila plava, tiha, nežna, jektičava,
    His mother was blond,quiet,gentle,??????
    umrla je s trideset i nešto...
    She died in hers 30-es...

    Imali su par jutara zemlje, malu kuću na kraju sokaka.
    They had a couple of acres of land,little house at the end of alley
    Na astalu navek hleba, taman tol'ko kol'ko treba,
    On the table there's "always" bread,just as much as it was needed
    al' je Vasa hteo mnogo više...
    But Vasa wanted much more...

    Želeo je konje vrane, po livadi razigrane,
    He wanted "good" horses on the field playfuled
    sat sa zlatnim lancem i salaše...
    he wanted a golden watch and granges...
    Želeo je njive plodne, vinograde blagorodne,
    he wanted productive fields,rich vineyards
    u karuce pregnute čilase, ali nije mog'o da ih ima.
    ???????????????????????, but he couldn't have them

    Voleo je lepu al' sirotu, uz'o bi je, samo da je znao:
    He loved a beautiful but poor lady,he would "take" her only if he had known:
    voleš jednom u životu, sad bogatu il' sirotu,
    youy love only once in your life,rich or poor one,
    to ne bira pamet nego srce...
    it doesn't choose your mind,it does you heart...

    Sve se nad'o da će ljubav proći. Zanavek je otiš'o iz sela.
    He hoped love will fade.He went from that town forever
    Nikad nije pis'o nikom, venč'o se sa miraždžikom,
    He didn't ever write to anybody,he got married with the "rich girl"
    jedinicom ćerkom nekog gazde...
    the only daughter of some "boss"...

    Dobio je konje vrane, po livadi razigrane,
    He got "good" horses on the field playfuled
    sat sa zlatnim lancem i salaše...
    golden watch and granges
    Dobio je njive plodne, vinograde blagorodne,
    he got productive fields,rich vineyards
    u karuce pregnute čilase, sve je im'o ništa im'o nije.
    ???????????????????????.ha had it all,but he had nothing

    Propio se, nije proslo mnogo, dušu svoju Đavolu je prod'o
    He got drunk,it didn't pass much time,he sold his soul to the devil
    Znali su ga svi birtaši, tražio je spas u čaši,
    he is known to all drunkers,he searched the salvation in the glas
    ali nije mog'o da ga nađe...
    but he couldn't find it...

    Mlad je, kažu, bio i kad je umro, sred birtije, od srčane kapi.
    He was young,they say,when he died,at the centerof tavern,of a heart attack
    Klonula mu samo glava, k'o da drema, k'o da spava
    his head fainted,like he's nappying,like he's sleeping
    i još pamte šta je zadnje rek'o...
    and they still remember his last words...

    Džaba bilo konja vranih, po livadi razigranih,
    It's not worth of "good" horses on the field playfuled,
    džaba bilo sata i salaša...
    it's not worth of golden watch and granges...
    Džaba bilo njiva plodnih, vinograda blagorodnih,
    it's not worth of productive fields,rich vineyards
    džaba bilo karuca, čilaša...
    it's not worth of ????????????....

    Kada nisam s onom koju volem,
    When I'm not with one that I love,
    kada nisam s onom koju volem.
    when I'm not with one that I love

    Kad ja nisam s onom koju volem,
    when I'm not with one that I love
    E, kad nisam s onom koju volem.
    Oh,when I'm not with one that I love

    Znate l' priču o Vasi Ladačkom? I ja sam je tek onomad čuo.
    Do you know the story about Vasa Ladachki? I heard it just a while ago.
    Čak i oni slični njemu, kada razmisle o svemu,
    even those similar to him,when they think about everything
    kažu da je bio čudna sorta..
    they say he was of a strange kind
    At the parts where are ?????????????? I don't know how to translate those words,so you should ask for another opinion...well, hope u'll like it kissses
  2. deni's Avatar

    deni said:


    Thank you for the translation. If any body is able to fill in the missing words, please do so.
  3. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Mati mu je bila plava, tiha, nežna, jektičava,
    His mother was blond,quiet,gentle,??????
    that ?????? means febrile,feverish

    The others ??? are referred to words "karuc" and "cilas".I don't know what karuc means but it's some kind of horse gear,because "cilas" means a horse with gray hair.So the others ?????? probably mean that he wanted the best gray horses in best gears.

    I hope I helped you!
  4. johnnynashjr said:


    hi can anyone translate any of this little conversation for me please!?? i have bluffed my way through it with phrasebook phrases and song lyrics from this site but i have no idea what she is saying! any help much appreciated! starts from the bottom.

    Vesna (no network) wrote
    at 1:51pm
    ...:-)))... OK...naperedujes, to mi djeluje osvajacki...ali...moze..!!!
    Kako si...
    Wall-to-Wall - Write on Vesna's Wall - Message - Delete

    John wrote
    at 12:02pm
    DOBRO JUTRO Vesna,
    Naj, najbolja, naj
    znaj, ja sam za tebe
    naj, najbolja, naj
    pa budi i ti za mene

    Wall-to-Wall - Write on My Wall - Delete

    Vesna (no network) wrote
    at 5:49pm on September 27th, 2007
    Of course,…very good…and nice…!!!...:-)))…
    Samo nastavi...:-)))...ubrzo ces nauciti...mozda i neki kurs da pomogne...salim se...
    Wall-to-Wall - Write on Vesna's Wall - Message - Delete

    John wrote
    at 4:00pm on September 27th, 2007
    Nazdravlje! Veoma ste.

    Moj srpski je loš. Da li ti se sviđa?

    (hahaaha- i really wish i could understand!!)

    Wall-to-Wall - Write on My Wall - Delete

    Vesna (no network) wrote
    at 3:16pm on September 27th, 2007
    Pa slatko si me nasmijao...!!!...Naravno da je vazno...zato sto je ona crna...:-)))... Pa moze i ovako,ja cu da prevodim tvoj tekst,a ti moj...:-)))...uglavnom cemo da se razumijemo...:-)...
  5. johnnynashjr said:


    by the way - i should apologise that this is not a song lyric! but i hope someone would be willing to help me it may be fun for you anyway!
  6. deni's Avatar

    deni said:


    Thank you Angeliki.

    Yes, I was also wondering if I could get things other than song lyrics translated here. I'm wondering about short video clips, skits, etc.

    I would love to get a translation of the following: I understand most of it. I'm not sure if any written script is available.

    YouTube - Nadrealisti: "Otvoreno o jeziku"
  7. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Vesna wrote
    ...:-)))... OK...naperedujes, to mi djeluje osvajacki...ali...moze..!!!
    OK...You're progressing,that looks engaging to me...but...yes!!
    Kako si...
    How are you...

    John wrote
    DOBRO JUTRO Vesna,
    Good morning Vesna,
    Naj, najbolja, naj
    The best,the best
    znaj, ja sam za tebe
    know it,I'm for you
    naj, najbolja, naj
    the best the best
    pa budi i ti za mene
    so you be the same for me

    Of course,…very good…and nice…!!!...:-)))…
    Samo nastavi...:-)))...ubrzo ces nauciti...mozda i neki kurs da pomogne...salim se...
    Just keep will learn soon...maybe some classes too could help you...I'm kidding...

    John wrote
    Nazdravlje! Veoma ste.
    Chears!You're pretty much. ["Veoma" could be translated like "too",so he probably wanted to say you're too.Anyway,this is the wrong use of this word.]

    Moj srpski je loš. Da li ti se sviđa?
    My serbian is bad.Do you like it?
    (hahaaha- i really wish i could understand!!)

    Vesna wrote
    Pa slatko si me nasmijao...!!!...Naravno da je vazno...zato sto je ona
    Well,I laughed good...!!!...Of course it is important...because she is
    crna...:-)))... Pa moze i ovako,ja cu da prevodim tvoj tekst,a ti
    black...Well it can be done like this too,I will translate your text,and you
    moj...:-)))...uglavnom cemo da se razumijemo...:-)...
    will translate mine...we'll understand ourselves...
  8. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    @deni:Oh God I laughed so uch... :lauging_till_falling_of_a_chair:

    Everything that has harassed us,that harassed the literature and science too.That's why we went to the Insitute for literature and we brought Professor Doktor Case(case in grammar).
    Prof.Dr.Case:We,with our team that is made of Prof. Dr. Comma(,) and Prof. Dr. Pronoun,came to the conclusion that the language which was called serbo-croatian is actually not one but 6 languages: Serbian,Croatian,Bosnian,Herzegovinian,Monten(of Montenegrin)and Negrin(of Montenegrin).Let me explain it to you:Take the example "I'm reading".In Serbian you say it "I'm reading".In Croatian it's completely different and you say it "I'm reading".In Bosnian this phrase has nothing to do with Croatian nor Serbian and you say it "I'm reading".Herzegovinian is interesting because this phrase has similar accent like in Bosnian,and you say it "I'm reading".In Monten you say it,you'll never guess,"I'm reading"!In Negrin it sounds completely different and you say it "I'm reading".
    We've made a short film on our Institute about difficulties in conversation you could have in normal life.
    1.The shop assistant-SA is speaking "Monten" and the girl-G is speaking "Bosnian":
    G:Please,one tea.
    SA:I don't understand.
    G(gesticulating):Please,one tea.
    SA:Boss,this girl wants to ask me something but I don't understand her.
    BOSS:What do you need?
    G:One tea.
    BOSS(looking in dictionary):One tea.Why didn't you just say so?
    So,in Bosnian you say it "tea",but on Monten you say it "tea"!
    2.In this case,the woman-W is speaking Serbian and the guy-G is speaking Herzegovinian.
    G:Hello!Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?
    W:I don't understand.[It's normal,cause they're speaking different languages ()]
    G(gesticulating):Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?
    W:I don't understand.
    Translator-T arrived.
    T:Hello!Maybe the dictionary could help you.
    G:Great.You were just the thing I needed.
    T:Say what you need.
    W:Please,tell her I'm asking her would she join me for a cup of coffee.
    T(looking in dictionary):He is asking you if you would join him for a cup of tea.
    W:Yes,of course.
    G:What she says?
    T:She said:Yes,of course?
    G:Ask her if she wants to join me now?
    T:He is asking you if you want to join him now.
    W:Of course.
    G:What she says?
    T:Of course.
    G:Let's go then.
    T:Wait a minute.This translation will cost you 18 dinars.
    G:But,I don't understand you.
    Call this numbers to order your Serbian,Croatian,Bosnian,Herzegovinian,Monten and Negrin all in one dictionary.

    The point in this show is making fun of every nation inventing its own language.We say "I'm reading" the same on every language,and we all understand Bosnian,Serbian,Croatian...
  9. deni's Avatar

    deni said:


    Zdravo Angeliki,

    Hvala puno za prevod. Super. Jako smešno je taj film. I must have watched it a hundred times, laughing. I'm learning Serbian right now, so all of that 'grammar-linguistic' talk is right up my alley. I understood most of it except a few words.

    Do you happen to know where I can find some easy reading (maybe children's stories, etc.) in Serbian? I prefer to use latin script for now.
  10. deni's Avatar

    deni said:


    Bože pravde, ti što spase
    od propasti do sad nas,
    čuj i odsad naše glase
    i od sad nam budi spas

    Moćnom rukom vodi, brani
    budućnosti srpske brod,
    Bože spasi, Bože hrani
    srpske zemlje, srpski rod!

    Složi srpsku braću dragu
    na svak dičan slavan rad
    sloga biće poraz vragu
    a najjači srpstvu grad.

    Nek na srpskoj blista grani
    bratske sloge znatan plod
    Bože spasi, Bože hrani
    srpske zemlje, srpski rod!

    Nek na srpsko vedro čelo
    tvog ne padne gneva grom
    Blagoslovi Srbu selo
    polje, njivu, grad i dom!

    Kad nastupe borbe dani
    k pobedi mu vodi hod
    Bože spasi, Bože hrani
    srpske zemlje, srpski rod!1

    Iz mračnoga sinu groba
    srpske slave novi sjaj
    nastalo je novo doba
    Novu sreću, Bože daj!

    Otadžbinu srpsku brani
    pet vekovne borbe plod
    Bože spasi, Bože brani2
    moli ti se srpski rod!
  11. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    anthem of serbia?you want translation or?
  12. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    ok..I am guessing you want translation...
    I found some you can check... Online Forum - Serbia
    Boze Pravde - Wikisource
  13. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    @deni:No probs.I found only this:Mlekara Sabac-Stranica za decu for now.I'll keep searching...
    edit:Oh,I found this: Bajke Za Decu .These stories are for bigger kids.
    But these "?" could be the problem for you...In the middle of word they represent "š" or "ž",for example '�iveo' is'živeo' which means 'was living',but 'siroma�ni' is 'siromašni' which means 'poor'.
    Tell me if you have problems with this story...
    Last edited by angeliki_sr; 09-28-2007 at 03:24 PM.
  14. deni's Avatar

    deni said:


    Quote Originally Posted by y! View Post
    ok..I am guessing you want translation...
    I found some you can check... Online Forum - Serbia
    Boze Pravde - Wikisource
    Thank you for the links
  15. deni's Avatar

    deni said:



    Those links are great! Thank you. I can figure out what most of those ?'s are without too much problem.

    If you find anything else, please post it.
  16. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    @deni ALBIS - Force-Feed Your Brain This site is like a little game,you are given some words to remember and then you must repeat them.And these kinda games are available for many languages.
    I found some more for you:
    Careva kći...
    Zvrk - informativno edukativni internet centar za decu -you see this kind of bar on the bottom?there click on "priče" .Then,you'll see some songs,stories and illustrated stories.If you have any problem,please tell me.
    I hope I've helped you.Pozdrav!
    Last edited by angeliki_sr; 09-28-2007 at 05:18 PM.
  17. deni's Avatar

    deni said:


    Thank you. Those links are helpful.

    If you run across any websites that have children's songs, tv shows, or cartoons, please keep me in mind.

    Thanks a bunch.
    Last edited by deni; 09-29-2007 at 06:08 AM.
  18. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Muzicki.NET - Besplatna MP3 Muzika za Download
    Register on this site,then go to "kategorije">"djecije pesme".

    This was the most popular children's TV show : YouTube - Branko Kockica - Vjezbajmo u prirodi ( ko se sjeca )

    And this was MY FAVOURITE CARTOON:YouTube - Cipelici - epizoda Carlijev auto Here,in related you can find more cartoons....
    Last edited by angeliki_sr; 09-29-2007 at 07:22 AM.
  19. Zdravo-Gaby~Uchim-srpski said:


    thnx alot for these links even tho i didnt ask for them there very helpful for me and i need the translation for this song from Fubky G Ludo ludo its so awesome

    Funky G - Ludo, ludo
    Minut do jutra, do kraja noci
    govoris tiho, sutra neces doci
    u vazduhu zelja kao kazna
    i glasno se smeje soba prazna

    Mili moj, gde ce ti dusa
    i dokle mislis da radis to
    da budes i sa mnom i sa njom
    bez problema

    Ludo, ludo, zelim na tvome telu
    poruku da ostavim njoj
    ludo, ludo, i da ne trepnem
    uzmem njeno mesto u ljubavi toj

    Ludo, ludo, zelim te za sebe
    reci da ces ostati tu
    bez tebe sam u polusnu
    ti me ostavljas ni na nebu ni na dnu

    Necu da budem ti uvek druga
    dok ona je s tobom sa mnom je tuga
    u vazduhu zelja kao kazna
    i glasno se smeje soba prazna
  20. Sashka's Avatar

    Sashka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Zdravo-Gaby~Uchim-srpski View Post
    thnx alot for these links even tho i didnt ask for them there very helpful for me and i need the translation for this song from Fubky G Ludo ludo its so awesome

    Funky G - Ludo, ludo/Crazy,crazy

    Minut do jutra, do kraja noci/a minute till the morning, till the end of the night
    govoris tiho, sutra neces doci/you're talking quietly, you won't come tomorow
    u vazduhu zelja kao kazna/desire in the air is like a punishment
    i glasno se smeje soba prazna/and the empty romm is laughing loudly

    Mili moj, gde ce ti dusa/my darling, where is your soul going to
    i dokle mislis da radis to/and how long you'll do that
    da budes i sa mnom i sa njom /be with me and with her
    bez problema/without a problem

    Ludo, ludo, zelim na tvome telu/crazy,crazy. on your body I want
    poruku da ostavim njoj/ to leave her a message
    ludo, ludo, i da ne trepnem /crazy, crazy, without blinking
    uzmem njeno mesto u ljubavi tojto take her place in that love

    Ludo, ludo, zelim te za sebe /crazy,crazy, I want you for myself
    reci da ces ostati tu/tell me you'll stay here
    bez tebe sam u polusnu / I'm half sleeping without you
    ti me ostavljas ni na nebu ni na dnu/ you live me between sky and bottom

    Necu da budem ti uvek druga/I don't want to be always the second for you
    dok ona je s tobom sa mnom je tuga/while she's with you, the sorrow's with me
    u vazduhu zelja kao kazna/ desire in the air is like a punishment
    i glasno se smeje soba prazna/and the empty room is laughing loudly
    Here u go .....hope u'll like it...kisses