Translation Croatian to Englisch or German please

Thread: Translation Croatian to Englisch or German please

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  1. alp_er's Avatar

    alp_er said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Janica View Post
    ...puno hvala...i pusa! thanks! :-)
    Nema problema

  2. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    ma zato shto sam prevodila na brzinu..i veci deo je bukvalan prevod..zbog toga
  3. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Kao da je vrijeme//Like it's time ("Like time stoped for me ")

    Rekao si, da ces mi se vratiti//You told me,you will come back to me
    Ponovo mi doci//Come to me again
    nisam mogla nekog drugog voljeti//I couldn't love someone else
    Tvoje crne oci//Your black eyes
    Na viru mi sjecanja//Memories are coming
    Kao moru klima //Like tide to the sea

    U mom oku zivi led //Ice lives in my eye
    U srcu spava zima //Winter sleeps in my heart

    Chorus: (2x)
    Kao da je vrijeme stalo za mene//Like time stoped for me
    Gubi mi se tlo pod nogama //I lose ground under my feet
    Ponekad se pitam, dal si bio tu,//Sometimes I wonder,were you here
    ili sam te samo sanjala//Or I just dreamt you

    Rekao si, da je tesko zivjeti //You said,it's hard to live
    izmedu dvije zene //between two women
    Obe smo te tako htjele imati //Both of us wanted you so much
    Pratile kao sjene//Followed you like shadows
    Ona je pobjedila //She won
    Moju srecu ima //She has my happiness
  4. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    Ljubomora // Jealousy

    Luda sam od ljubomore // I'm so jealous
    ne,ne,ne...crne me misli nocas progone // no, no, no... bad thoughts are hunting me tonight

    nisi tu, a tako trebas mi // you're not here, and I need you so much
    ne,ne,ne... ne mogu si pomoci // no, no, no, I can't help myself

    jer noc je vrela,a mjesec je pun // because the night's hot and the moon is full
    ti, nemas mira a sad nisi tu // you're not still and you're not even here
    jer noc je vrela, a mjesec je pun // because the night's hot and the moon is full
    ti nemas mira, a sad nisi tu... // you're not still and you're not even here

    umrijet cu ovog trena ako je druga zena // I'll die right now if another woman
    sad u tvojim rukama! // is with you
    umrijet cu ovog trena, ako mi druga zena, // I'll die right now if another woman is
    uzima najmilije... // taking away from me the thing I like the most

    luda sam od ljubomore // I'm so jealous
    ne,ne,ne... sto sada nisi ovdje kraj mene // no, no, no... because you're not here with me
    nisi tu, a tako trebam te // you're not here and I need you so much
    ne,ne,ne nikad ti necu ovo priznati // no, no, no, I'll never admit this to you


    Za tebe stvorena // Made for you

    Vidim te kada prodjes // I see you when you pass
    ljubavi svojoj dodjes // and when you come to the one you love
    ona te skoro ne gleda // she doesn't even look at you
    govoris njezne rijeci ona ti // you say gentle words but she
    nece reci da li ti stvarno pripada // won't tell you if she really belongs to you
    a ja bih sad dala sve // and I'd give everything
    da pogledas u mene // for you to look at me

    Kad bih bila ja tvoja voljena // If I could be the one you love
    nikada te ne bi pustila // I'd never let you go
    a ti ne gledas i ne osjecas // but you don't see or feel
    da sam ja za tebe stvorena // that I'm made for you

    Prolaze moji dani bez tebe // My days are passing without you
    prazni sami prolaze a ti ostajes // they're passing alone, and you stay
    jedina moja tuga tebe mi // my only sadness, another one
    ima druga ima te a ne osjeca // has you, but she doesn't feel you
    a ja bih sad dala sve // and I'd give everything
    da pogledas u mene // for you to look at me

    here you go :-)
    Last edited by pink_girl_666; 08-24-2007 at 03:44 PM.
  5. Janica's Avatar

    Janica said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pink_girl_666 View Post
    Lana Jurcevic - Otkad te nema // Since You're Gone

    Ti si taknuo najtanje zice u meni // You've touched the smallest wires in me
    i pokazao najljepse lice ljubavi // And you've showed me the most beautiful part of love
    zapalio vatru koja se sad ne gasi // And you've lit the fire which won't extinguish
    a onda nestao kao // and then you dissappeared as if
    da nikad te nije ni bilo tu // you had never been here

    Otkad te nema u mom zivotu // Since you've gone out of my life
    sve je poprimilo zalosnu notu // Everything has a sad note
    nebo je sivo, ko oci tvoje // The sky is as grey as your eyes
    samo je magla uvijek iste boje // Only the fog is always the same colour

    Otkad te nema ovdje kraj mene // Since you're not here beside me
    moje je cvijece suho i vene // My flowers are sad and they're fading
    osjeca valjda, zlo mi se sprema // They feel that bad things will happen to me
    jer ja sam bolna otkad te nema // Because I'm galling since you left

    Ja pokusavam spasiti ponos, ljubavi // I'm trying to keep my pride, my love
    zato ne idem na ista mjesta gdje i ti // That's why I don't visit places where you are
    i necu lagati kako sam pogresno // And I won't lie that by mistake
    nazvala tvoj broj samo cu moliti Boga // I dialed your number, I'll just pray to God
    da mi te vrati i da budes moj // That He returns you to me and that you are mine again

    Okovi na srcu // Chains on my heart

    Uzmi sto zelis, uzmi sto trebas // Take what you want, take what you need
    uzmi i ne pitaj // Take it and don't ask a thing
    ostavi samo otvoren prozor // Just leave the window open
    i onaj osjecaj // And leave me that feeling

    Da smo se nekad voljeli ludo // That once we were madly in love
    i da je vrijedilo // And that it was worth
    sklapati oci, cekati cudo // to close my eyes and wait for a miracle
    jer sve se promijenilo // Because everything has changed

    Ova je nasa ljubav postala robija // Our love has become like a hard labour
    okovi su na srcu, zidovi celija // Chains are on the heart, walls are like a prison cell
    ova je nasa ljubav k'o teska presuda // Our love is like a horrible judgment
    osmijeha ni za lijeka, a tuga posvuda // There're not enough smiles, not even as a cure, and sadness is everywhere

    Ne zelim suze, ni teske rijeci // I don't want tears or hard words
    ne dajem oprostaj // I won't forgive
    ti reci svima kakva sam bila // Tell everybody what I was like
    sad kad je stvarno kraj // Now when it has really finished

    Da smo se nekad voljeli ludo // That once we were madly in love
    i da je vrijedilo // And that it was worth
    sklapati oci, cekati cudo // to close my eyes and wait for a miracle
    jer sve se promijenilo // Because everything has changed

    here you go :-)
    ....hvalaaaaa! moja prijateljica ce biti radostan...ja jesam još! :-)
  6. Janica's Avatar

    Janica said:


    Quote Originally Posted by alp_er View Post
    Nema problema

    ...hvala još jednom... :-)
  7. sofie38 said:


    Thaanks So Much ! (-:
  8. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    you're welcome
  9. flander said:


    can some translat me song of Gibonni-Vec je vrime da se pomirim sa svitom?

    tyvm in advance
  10. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    Vrime da se pomirim sa svitom//Time to reconcile with world

    Medju ljudima za koje ne pitam//Among people I don't ask for
    odavno neko postoji//someone exists for a long time
    kome ne prastam a trebao bih//whom I don't forgive,and I should

    Otkad stavljam kriz//Since then I put cross
    kraj njenog imena//next to her name
    vodi me bis kroz godine//rage is guiding me through years
    a jedva se sican zbog cega je//and I can hardly remember what caused it

    Ref. 2x
    Vec je vrime da se pomirim sa svitom//It's time to reconcile with world
    i tiho, k'o da zaronim na dah//and quiletly,like to "plunging" on breath
    u svemu sad mogu naci nesto lipo, lipo//in everything I can find something beautiful now,beautiful
    i reci zivote dobar ti dan//and tell you,my life, "good day"

    Na te grane ja vise ne smim past//On that branches I mustn't fall anymore
    na njenu dusu prisit//and on her soul "put"
    sve sto nismo dospili//everything we didn't achieve

    Koliko krivih rici pobigne kroz zube//How many wrong words "runs" throught teeth
    a ko ce ih stic//and who will "catch" them
    ka i perje baceno u vjetar//like plumage thrown in wind
    ne mos pokupit, a ucim se kupit//You can't "join"it ,I'm learning that

    U svemu sad moram naci//I must find now in everything
    nesto lipo//something beautiful
    i reci zivote - dobar ti dan//and tell my,my life - "good day"


    U svemu sad mogu naci//I can find now in everything
    nesto lipo, lipo//something beautiful,beautiful
    i reci zivote - dobar ti dan//and tell you,my life - "good day"*

    *good day like...hello,.good afternoon...

    Medju ljudima o tome ne pricam//I don't talk about that among people
    al znaju mi s lica procitati//and they know to read my face
    kome ne prastam a trebao bih//whom I don't forgive,and I should

    this is one croatian dialect,I hope I got it right
  11. georgian said:


    Hello to everyone.
    could anyone help me translating the lyrics of "Brane srušit ću sve" from Prljavo Kazaliste?!?!?!?!?!?
    thanks in advance
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Prljavo Kazalište - Brane srušit ću sve
    ~ I'll Blast All Dams

    Nisam kao ti, ti nisi kao ja - I'm not like you, you're not like me
    Da budem prah, mene nije strah - To turn into ash, I'm not afraid
    Bojim se samo krive istine - I'm only afraid of wrong truth

    Oduvijek su tu, blato k'o i zlato - They are always here, mud as well as gold
    Zajedno na dnu, tako im je dato - Together at the bottom, that's the way they're meant to be
    Jer ne zna dno što je njemu suđeno - Because the bottom doesn't know what's destined to it

    I nikad necu bit' planina ni njezina tišina - And I will never be a mountain nor its silence
    Vodama vode vode me - To waters waters are taking me
    I necu biti kap, kad mogu bit' slap - And I will not be a drop, when I can be a waterfall
    Brane koje brane, brane srušit' cu sve - Dams that fence, I will blast (take down) all the dams

    Nisam kao ti, ti nisi kao ja - I'm not like you, you're not like me
    Da budem prah, mene nije strah - To turn into ash, I'm not afraid
    Bojim se samo krive istine - I'm only afraid of wrong truth
    (Voda vodi - Water leads/takes), voda vodi me - water takes me
    (Voda vidi - Water sees), voda vidi sve - water sees all
    I birat ću sam, jer znam to što znam - And I will chose alone, because I know what I know

    YouTube - prljavo kazalište - brane srušit ću sve
  13. Janica's Avatar

    Janica said:


    I am here I need translation of this song by Severina ...puno hvala!

    Niti S Tobom Nit Bez Tebe

    Bijedne mene, jadne mene,
    uzdahe po vjetru saljem.
    Niko nece da ih primi,
    vjetar ih nosi dalje.
    Moj je uzdah otisao,
    otici ce i tvoj s tugom.
    Kada se na putu sretnu,
    sto ce reci jedan drugom?

    Niti s tobom nit' bez tebe
    nema mojoj boli lijeka.
    Kad sam s tobom ubijas me,
    a bez tebe smrt me ceka.

    Moj je uzdah otisao...
  14. pink_girl_666's Avatar

    pink_girl_666 said:


    Niti S Tobom Nit Bez Tebe // Neither with nor without you

    Bijedne mene, jadne mene,// Poor me, pathetic me
    uzdahe po vjetru saljem. // I send my sighs through the wind
    Niko nece da ih primi, // But no-one would accept them
    vjetar ih nosi dalje. // So the wind keeps carrying them
    Moj je uzdah otisao, // My sigh has gone away
    otici ce i tvoj s tugom. // And so will yours- it'll leave with the sorrow
    Kada se na putu sretnu, // When they meet on their way
    sto ce reci jedan drugom? // What will they say to each other?

    Niti s tobom nit' bez tebe // Neither with nor without you
    nema mojoj boli lijeka. // There isn't cure for my pain
    Kad sam s tobom ubijas me, // When I'm with you you're killing me
    a bez tebe smrt me ceka. // And without you the death's waiting for me

    Moj je uzdah otisao... // My sigh has gone away

    here you go :-)
  15. Janica's Avatar

    Janica said:


    ....yaaaay, puno hvala...prekrasna pesma...doista...toliko zalostan...ali prekrasna...volim te...jos jednom hvala! :-)
  16. Janica's Avatar

    Janica said:


    ...opet jesam tu...jesam, Could you please help me with translation of 2 songs by Vesna Pisarovic /Da sutra umrem AND Neka ljudi govore/? I understand, but my english grammar is so damn bad....puno hvala:


    Ti si svjetlo mog zivota,
    moja istina
    Ti si snaga koju trebam,
    da bih disala
    Vjeru u ljubav si mi vratio,
    bolje od ikog si me shvatio.

    Da sutra umrem ne bi zalila,
    jer ja sam ljubav zivota imala
    I da me nema ja bi zivjela
    u tvojim mislima bi se budila.

    Dao si mi razlog,
    da si mi smisao
    Oziljke sa moga srca si zbrisao
    I kad sam pala ja ti si me digao
    I kad sam zvala uvijek si stigao

    Refr. 2x

    Dao si mir srcu mom,
    dao si blagoslov i dom.

    Refr. 3x



    Ja volim plave oci u maglama sivim
    Volim cijeli svijet i svemu jos se divim
    A oni nek pricaju i govore sto hoce
    Da volim te jer ti si zabranjeno voce


    Ja volim plave oci u maglama sivim
    Volim cijeli svijet i ja se nestidim
    A oni nek pricaju i govore sto hoce
    Da volim te jer ti si zabranjeno voce

    Glupost,ma glupost

    Neka ljudi govore,na na na na
    Nek mi stave okove,na na na na
    Jos vise znam,jos jace znam
    Nepustam te ja

    Neka ljudi govore,na na na na
    Nek mi stave okove,na na na na
    Jos vise znam,jos jace znam
    Nepustam te ja

    Ja volim plave oci u maglama sivim
    Volim cijeli svijet i svemu jos se divim
    A oni nek pricaju i govore sto hoce
    Da volim te jer ti si zabranjeno voce

    Glupost,ma glupost

    Neka ljudi govore,na na na na
    Nek mi stave okove,na na na na
    Jos vise znam,jos jace znam
    Nepustam te ja

    Neka ljudi govore,na na na na
    Nek mi stave okove,na na na na
    Jos vise znam,jos jace znam
    Nepustam te ja

    Neka ljudi govore,na na na na
    Nek mi stave okove,na na na na
    Jos vise znam,jos jace znam
    Nepustam te ja

    Neka ljudi govore,na na na na
    Nek mi stave okove,na na na na
    Jos vise znam,jos jace znam
    Nepustam te ja
  17. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default 2 songs by Vesna Pisarovic

    DA SUTRA UMREM ~ If I Died Tomorrow

    You're the light of my life,
    my truth
    You're the strength that I need,
    to breathe
    You brought me back faith in love
    you understood me better than anyone

    If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't be sorry
    because I had love of my life
    If I was gone I would live
    in your thoughts I would wake up

    You gave me reason
    you gave me sense
    removed scars from my heart
    And when I fell, you lifted me up
    And when I called, you always came

    Chorus 2x

    You brought peace to my heart,
    you brought blessing and home.

    Chorus 3x


    NEKA LJUDI GOVORE ~ Let People Talk

    I love blue eyes in gray fogs
    I love entire world and I still admire everything
    And they can talk and say what they want
    That I love you because you're forbidden fruit


    I love blue eyes in gray fogs
    I live entire world and I'm not ashame
    And they can talk and say what they want
    That I love you because you're forbidden fruit

    Nonsense, really nonsense

    Let people talk, na na na na
    Let them put me in chains, na na na na
    I know even better, I'm even more sure,
    I'm not letting you go

    Let people talk, na na na na
    Let them put me in chains, na na na na
    I know even better, I'm even more sure,
    I'm not letting you go

    I love blue eyes in gray fogs
    I love entire world and I still admire everything
    And they can talk and say what they want
    That I love you because you're forbidden fruit

    Nonsense, really nonsense

    Let people talk, na na na na
    Let them put me in chains, na na na na
    I know even better, I'm even more sure,
    I'm not letting you go

    Let people talk, na na na na
    Let them put me in chains, na na na na
    I know even better, I'm even more sure,
    I'm not letting you go

    Let people talk, na na na na
    Let them put me in chains, na na na na
    I know even better, I'm even more sure,
    I'm not letting you go

    Let people talk, na na na na
    Let them put me in chains, na na na na
    I know even better, I'm even more sure,
    I'm not letting you go [/QUOTE]
  18. Janica's Avatar

    Janica said:


    hvalaaaaa!!! i pusaaa! :-)
  19. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    nema na cemu! jos neka ?