want music, but have no musicians

Thread: want music, but have no musicians

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  1. blt said:

    Default want music, but have no musicians

    We are in an interesting position. We have a church service in Mexico, but have no musicians for a praise band. The people we minister to are very poor and do not have instruments. We have been using some songs on cd's that are translated and sung in Spanish. This has really helped in that I can introduce them to songs like "I can only imagine". But, I am still looking for other cd's that would be appropriate. I see someone translate How Great is Our God, but I have no one to lead the music. Any ideas?

    Thanks and God bless.
    In His service,
  2. bk_believes said:

    Smile Soy de Mexico

    La unica solucion que se me ocurre es que me proporciones tu mail, te puedo pasar por archivo adjunto poco a poco, pistas de himnos conocidos y letras. Como Sublime Gracia (Amazing Grace), Santo Santo Santo(holly, holly, holly) y otros asi....si no tienes mucha confianza de darme el mail por todo lo que pasa por red, te doy el mio, y me puedes escribir directo a el...lo puedes ver en la siguiente direccion: www.freewebs.com/smdcristianas en la seccion de contacto.