Looking for lyrics

Thread: Looking for lyrics

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  1. teresapeterson said:

    Smile Looking for lyrics

    I am looking for the lyrics to two songs by Martin Mancilla. The first one is: QUIEN ESTA EN TI, and the second is: AMAR A DIOS. If anyone knows the lyrics or can tell me where to find them, that would be awesome! I have a missions trip to Machala, Ecuador in July.....and my group really needs to practice!! Thanks!!!
  2. teresapeterson said:

    Default Carman Lyrics

    Hello again! I am also looking for the song "Quien esta en Ti" by Carman. I cannot seem to find the lyrics to this song anywhere!!!
  3. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    I found no singer called Martin Mancilla on the net.