can anyone help translate this words ?
the song is half Hebrew half Arabic (yemeni accent)
I can understand some words, but not all .
you can here the song here
YouTube - "לי×ור פרחי + ציון גולן - "פסק זמן
the Arabic lyrics (as far as I can understand) :
Isal al nigoom wsal al gamar (ask the starts and ask the moon)
cam bo min waga3 wcam bo min sabar (????????)
3ind lakh khabar , 3ala galbi (heart) ghafi (??????????? i'm not sure I even wrote the words right)
3al lal 7ub fi 5afi sababi (about the love in my young .... ???? what is 5afi ?? )
rais al mal ya 7abibi isma3 calami (rais = head almal=the property rais al mal = the head of the property .. is that like mu5tar ? isma3 calami =here my words)
6aba3 al me7iba ,6aba3 al me7iba ( 6aba3 = ? me7iba= love)
sahir fil lile al aswad , sali bil 7ubi ( lile al aswad = the dark night ?? , i'm happy in my love)
kun isma3 al banat , wfa ma dunya (go here the girls ,wfa ma dunya =?)
mn yidri al jawab , mn ya3alimna ( who will know al jawab=? and who will teach as )
ya malka rigal , 6aigi lak gamal (????????)
al 7ub lashkal wil3amal (the love ...?????)
can anyone help ?