Romanian Translations

Thread: Romanian Translations

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  1. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:

    Exclamation Romanian Translations

    If there are people who want translations from Romanian into English or Spanish, post here the song or that piece for translating.
    Have a nice day for everybody .

    And btw, Sleep well, don;t become insomniac like me
  2. Danni_Lewis said:

    Default Romanian Song

    Se lasa jos, jos, jos
    Ne place jos, jos, jos
    Vor toate jos, jos, jos
    Acolo jos, jos, jos

    Pacule scoate foile
    C-am adus material bun
    Dar dupa un fum
    Plecam ca din tun
    Ajugem oricum
    Si intram in club

    Baaa…..Aici e foarte plin
    Stam, stam pana murim ca stim
    Unde-i multa lume
    Sunt multe fete
    Dar noi le cautam doar pe alea bete
    Barman, dorom cu cola
    Nu uita asta-i parola
    Ca noi n-am pierdut busola
    Dar tot am gasit creola

    Ola...Zi ce mai faci
    Da o cheva te dezbraci
    Ai dreptate e foarte cald
    Astia au oprit aerul conditionat
    Ca sa va faca sa va dezbracati
    Sa va faca sa dansati
    Sa va faca sa urlati jos, jos, jos

    Nu uitati ca noaptea de-abia a inceput
    La baie la fete e concurs de supt
    Paco ma-ntreaba :”ba, esti rupt?”
    Fratie, cred c-am cazut na!

    Pacule alerta
    Eu vorbesc incet
    Hai sa scapi de limbi de la-nceput
    E vorba de respect
    Asa c-arunca hainele de pe tine
    Ridica mainile pentru mine
    O sa am yo grija de tine
    Ca sa-ti fie bine ok!
    Spune-le cum te cheama: XXL
    Spune-le inca-o data: XXL
    Spune-le cum ma cheama: 10 GREI

    Stau cu ai mei
    Atunci cand seara se lasa
    Pentru tine yo stau la bar
    Si beau cu Balibre
    Pritena ta imi da motive
    Da’ nu vrei sa te futi cu mine
    Ca Dany de Vito e mai mare ca tine
    Ar face ea multe da’ n-are cu cine
    Vrea adrenalina sï antrenament
    Vrea jos, jos, jos
    Ca la bombardament

    Se lasa jos, jos, jos
    Ne place jos, jos, jos
    Vor toate, jos jos, jos
    Vor toate jos, jos jos
    Acolo jos, jos, jos

    cud u translate sum of this please to english thankyou
    obviously just du as much as u can!

  3. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Hey,How are you ? of course danny. wait a minute and you'll have them
  4. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    they go down, down, down,
    We like it down, down, down,
    Thay all want down, down, down,
    There down, down, down

    Pacule (romanian name in Vocative case) show uot the joints
    'Cause I got good stuff
    And after one smoke
    We leave like shouted
    We arrive anyway
    And get in the club

    Heeeey... Here are many people
    We stay, stay untill we die because we know
    that where are a lot of people are a lot of girls
    But we only search the drunk ones
    Barman, 2 cocktails with Coke
    Don;t forget, this is the pasword
    'Cause we lost our sense of orientation
    But we found the black woman (kind of woman with black hair)

    Hi... tell how you're doing
    Give me smth you're taking off your clothes
    You're right, here's too hot
    They stopped the air
    To make you get naked
    And to make you dance
    To make you scream "down, down, down"

    Don't forget the night just started
    In the bathroom girls are compotitive in suc**king (dirty words...) di**cks
    Paco is asking me : "Hey, you're finished?"
    Brother, I think I fell down

    Pacule, danger
    I speak quietly
    Come to escape from the beginning tongs
    It's all about respect
    So take off your clothes
    Put your hands up for me
    I'll take care of you
    To be fine
    Tell them what's your name : XXL
    Tell them one more time : XXL
    tell them what's my name : 10 GREI

    I live with my parents
    but when the night falls
    I stay in the bar for you
    and drink with Balibre
    your girlfriend is giving me reasons
    "you don't wanna f**uck with me
    Cause Danny de Vito is bigger than you"
    She would do many things but she doesn't got the person to do with
    She wants adrenaline and practice
    She wants down, down, down
    Like bombardament

    they go down, down, down,
    We like it down, down, down,
    Thay all want down, down, down,
    There down, down, down

    There are many slangs there. Hope you undestood.
    And Btw ! Many *** you know )
    Enjoy them !
  5. Danni_Lewis said:


    thanks very much i like the song in romanian jus wanted to no wat it was about lol! xx
  6. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    welcome. I like this song, not specialy, but it goes for a party xD
  7. devil-frombelow's Avatar

    devil-frombelow said:


    Tu nu vezi, daca inchizi ochii te pierzi
    Totul se schimba-n jurul tau pana apuci sa te-asezi
    Si vezi, ca prin viata asta doar o data treci
    Deci pe unde mergi profita pana pleci (x2)

    Oameni saraci ce-au incetat sa spere
    Gropi in asfalt, blocuri intregi de garsoniere
    Totu-i de (???) ciudat care te ineaca incet
    Mai coloreaza decorul bagabontii din colt
    In rest gratii la geam, bodegi jegoase si baruri
    Tarfe jucate si pierdute la zaruri
    Miroase-a saracie si foame in continuare
    Pustanii isi baga-n vene bine-ascunsi dupa betoane
    E un lux sa ai unde sa stai si-o stii
    Multe familii sarace toarna copii ca prostii
    Si continua goana dupa lei
    Batrani pagani tarasc sticla de rom spurcat dupa ei
    Ei sunt cei ce vor sa-ncerce, amarul sa inece
    Timpul le trece, fireste , te lasa rece
    Tramvaiele jegoase se retrag in noapte
    Deci luminile s-au stins...Noapte Buna Bucuresti!

    Refren (x2)

    In colturi de blocuri: drogati, seringi, gunoaie
    Copii jegosi, batrani uzati de timp, s-aprind lumini...bling-bling
    Surprind copii cersind
    Masini furate care se dau la preturi de nimic
    E ca in ring, tre' sa stai in garda,
    Garda-i gata sa te arda
    E caz de targa daca te toarna cu iarba
    E oarba justitia, e oarba politia,
    E oarba orice privire ce nu vrea sa vada ca in graba
    In Bucuresti totul dispare (Cum oare?)
    Atentie la buzunare si la alarma din parcare
    Blocurile murdare azi sunt singura scapare
    Sa nu sfarsesti in strada calcat de altii in picioare
    Sunt cartiere intregi din care nu mai poti sa iesi
    Cand pleci esti in pula goala, cu banii luati si ochii reci
    Deci, ai grija unde mergi, sa te feresti
    Micul Paris s-a stins...Noapte Buna Bucuresti!

    Refren (x4)

    Tu nu vezi...
    Tu nu vezï...


    can you please translate this to english?? =D
  8. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    I saw another one translated this song. My internet failed last night, so I wasn't able to translate it. Sorry
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  9. XavierMex said:


    Hi Sosollikos!!!

    Could you translate this song (Espanish to Romanian) please???

    Libérate (Esta noche)
    Tal vez esta sea nuestra última noche
    Tal vez la última vez que hagamos el amor
    Deja que tu cuerpo se llene de fuego
    Has lo que sientas, esta noche

    Juguemos todos los juegos, uno por uno
    Hagamos todas las cosas prohibidas
    Shhh, no hables, no preguntes
    Comparte tus secretos conmigo, esta noche

    Libérate, rompe las cadenas
    Vamos, hagamos el amor
    Cierra tus ojos
    Viajemos sin aliento a través del cielo

    La cuenta regresiva ha comenzado
    El momento de separarnos está cerca
    Deja que tu cuerpo se encienda
    Aprovechemos al máximo cada momento
    Hagamos todas las cosas indebidas
    Bebamos nuestro amor gota a gota esta noche
  10. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Elibereaza-te (in seara asta)
    POate ca aceasta noapte va fi ultima noastra noapte
    Poate ultima data cind facem dragoste
    Lasa-ti trupul sa se umple de foc
    Fa ceea ce simti in aceasta noapte

    Jucam toate jocurile, unul cite unul
    Facem toate lucrurile interzise
    Ssss, nu vorbi, nu intreba,
    Imparte toate secretele cu mine, in aceasta noapte

    Elibereaza-te, rupe toate lanturile
    Haide, sa facem dragoste
    INchide-ti ochii
    Vom calatori fara oprire in tot cerul

    A inceput numaratoare inversa
    momentul in care ne vom desparti este aproape
    lasa-ti trupul sa se incalzeasca
    sa profitam la maxim de fiecare moment
    sa facem toate lucrurile care nu ar trebui
    sa bem pic cu pic aceasta dragostea in noaptea asta
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  11. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Hi XavierMax.
    Enjoy it
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...