Learning Romanian language

Thread: Learning Romanian language

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  1. wolver99's Avatar

    wolver99 said:


    Ah, so much is happening here, I can hardly wait to get caught up but I am still just so busy at work (our company is growing fast).

    Couple of quick questions....

    I know the word for wind is vint, but how do I tell someone that "it has been very windy here" (the weather, not the talk, lol)

    How do I say in Romanian: We just had to fire one guy and are in the process of hiring a replacement but in the meantime I must do the work that the lost worker was doing.

    Multumesc, as always (and is there a best way to say "as always" in closing a letter or note? lol...I want to know EVERYTHING! Such a fabulous language!)
  2. mara said:


    Goodmorning to everyone!!!

    Can somebody please write the verb stiu, spune and vorbesc? I mean to congugate them in every person. Ofcourse, any verb conjugation that anyone wants to provide us with...is welcomed!!!

    Thank you in advance!
  3. Cristina's Avatar

    Cristina said:


    To know= a şti

    Eu ştiu
    Tu şti
    El/ea ştie
    Noi ştim
    Voi ştiţi
    Ei/ele ştiu

    To say= a spune

    Eu spun
    Tu spui
    El/ea spune
    Noi spunem
    Voi spuneţi
    Ei spun

    To speak= a vorbi

    Eu vorbesc
    Tu vorbeşti
    El/ea vorbeşte
    Noi vorbim
    Voi vorbiţi
    Ei/ele vorbesc
  4. Cristina's Avatar

    Cristina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by wolver99 View Post
    Ah, so much is happening here, I can hardly wait to get caught up but I am still just so busy at work (our company is growing fast).

    Couple of quick questions....

    I know the word for wind is vint, but how do I tell someone that "it has been very windy here" (the weather, not the talk, lol)

    How do I say in Romanian: We just had to fire one guy and are in the process of hiring a replacement but in the meantime I must do the work that the lost worker was doing.

    Multumesc, as always (and is there a best way to say "as always" in closing a letter or note? lol...I want to know EVERYTHING! Such a fabulous language!)
    "it has been very windy here"...We don't have an expression for that..as I know..You can say:A bătut vântul foarte tare aici= the wind blew very hard here.

    We just had to fire one guy and are in the process of hiring a replacement but in the meantime I must do the work that the lost worker was doing.= Tocmai a trebuit sa concediem un tip ( or pe cineva=somebody) şi suntem in procesul de angajare a unui inlocuitor dar in acelaşi timp trebuie sa fac eu treaba pe care fostul angajat o facea (or treaba pe care o facea fostul angajat-it's the same, it doesn't matter the order in the sentence).

    Have a nice day!
  5. cristina_mihaella's Avatar

    cristina_mihaella said:

    Default Hi eveybouy!!

    I'm new her and i found this page and is very good for the people who want to learn romanian. Now i have to go to work and i wish to all of you a good day.
    My name is Cristina)

    I hear colors and see sounds..)
  6. dya said:


    Hello everybody! I'm back And, yes, it was a nice holiday, thank you

    Now, I see new members--Cristina-Mihaella--bine ai venit!

    and I see other members struggling to find the time to ask those d-a-m-n questions ALREADY!!! Hello, Wolver

    And, Mara, koritsi mou, how can I help you with those unfriendly letters?.. Hmmm... we should talk! Or you should talk to some Romanians over there and ask them to pronounce NOT the letters, but the letters IN words. If you try to pronounce an entire word you just go with the sound and thus you don't pay so much attention to each sound separately. Being too busy to repet an entire word you don't notice that right in the middle of it you may have an "unfriendly" letter. And when you try to repet a word after somebody else, don't think about the letters, simply repeat it as you hear it. It may sound difficult at first...but how do you think ευχαριστώ παρα πολύ seemed to me the first time I heard it?!?! LOL! I was trying to be nice and asked a girl at a taverna how do you say "thank you very much". As an answer I got this, prounounced in what it seemed like only one (LONG) word cause she was talking fast and forgot to breathe between the three words! LOL!

    Now, my advice is to start focusing on pronouncing words and forget about the letters for a while.
  7. dya said:

    Default Verbs

    Now for the verbs. Cristina already gave you the present tense for these three verbs. I'm gonna use the same verbs now, but introducing a different tense. Past tense, this time. And, surprisingly, for those of you already driven crazy by the romanian verb conjugations, this one is quite easy.

    It has two words: the present tense(or part of it!) of the verb "to have" + the participle of the verb you want to use. In form it looks like the english Present Perfect, but in use it is Past Tense. Romanian does not have any tense associated with the english Present Perfect. When we translate from english, we use either a past tense form or a present form according to what sounds better.

    Coming back to past tense. The conjugation of to have-a avea in present tense.

    eu am
    tu ai
    el/ea are
    noi avem
    voi aveti
    ei/ele au

    Now, the actual words used for every person. Some persons keep the form of to have as it is, some others changed it. THESE are the forms used for past tense:

    eu am
    tu ai
    el/ea a
    noi am
    voi ați
    ei/ele au

    The second part of the past tense-the participle of the verb you conjugate, is to be learned as it is. Like you learn the irregular verbs in English. You usually can find the participle in dictionaries, in any grammar books, verb tables, etc. Of course, the actual way you are going to learn it is by hearing/reading/USING it!!

    Now, let's see the verbs Cristina worked on. She gave you the present tense, I'm giving the past tense:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cristina View Post
    To know= a şti
    Eu ştiu
    Tu şti
    El/ea ştie
    Noi ştim
    Voi ştiţi
    Ei/ele ştiu
    Eu am știut
    Tu ai știut
    El/Ea a știut
    Noi am știut
    Voi ați știut
    Ei/Ele au știut

    Quote Originally Posted by Cristina View Post
    To say= a spune
    Eu spun
    Tu spui
    El/ea spune
    Noi spunem
    Voi spuneţi
    Ei/Ele spun
    Eu am spus
    Tu ai spus
    El/Ea a spus
    Noi am spus
    Voi ați spus
    Ei/Ele au spus

    Quote Originally Posted by Cristina View Post
    To speak= a vorbi
    Eu vorbesc
    Tu vorbeşti
    El/ea vorbeşte
    Noi vorbim
    Voi vorbiţi
    Ei/ele vorbesc
    Eu am vorbit
    Tu ai vorbit
    El/Ea a vorbit
    Noi am vorbit
    Voi ați vorbit
    Ei/Ele au vorbit
  8. skr's Avatar

    skr said:


    Joseph -> Joe, Joey

    Do Romanian ppl do something like this with Gheorghe?

    @dya- thank you very much
    Last edited by skr; 02-09-2008 at 04:35 AM.
  9. dya said:


    Of course

    Gheorghe - >Gică(Gicu), Gigi

    The affectionate derivate(and not very much in use anymore) from Gheorghe is

    Gheorghiță -> Ghiță

    George is in itself a derivate of Gheorghe, and it's used as it is being nowadays much more spread than Gheorghe. It does not have derivates. At most you can shorten it to Geo.
  10. skr's Avatar

    skr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dya View Post
    Of course


  11. dya said:


    Quote Originally Posted by skr View Post

    Gicu is actually a derivate from Gică.

    ă and â are two different letters and sounds. They are not interchangable.
  12. skr's Avatar

    skr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dya View Post
    ă and â are two different letters and sounds. They are not interchangable.
    Yeah, I know that, but.. So 'Gică' doesn't sound like 'Gicu'? Or it does?
  13. Lady_A said:


    No, they sound differently. But it's basically the same name.
  14. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Bine ai revenit Dya.
    Cum ai petrecut draga mea ? Eu ultimele 2 zile am stat in pat, raceala asta (sau gripa, cine naiba stie?) isi cam face de cap. Dupa 35 de ore de stat in pat nu am mai rezistat si m-am ridicat sa ma misc.

    Cristina, tu cum ai petrecut ?
    Toate bune si frumoase prin Timisoara ? Dar prin Bucuresti Dya ?

    Sarutmiinile si o seara placuta (dimineata, o cafea placuta !)
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  15. dya said:


    Neata! Ai nimerit-o cu cafeaua ca acum dimineata am citit mesajul tau

    Iar esti bolnav?! Suna cunoscut: cred c-am bolit de 4 ori in ultimile 3 luni! La anu sigur ma vaccinez. Poate o avea macar un efect psihologic!

    De petrecut am petrecut bine, multumesc de intrebare. A fost o vacanta frumoasa, pacat ca s-a terminat prea repede.
  16. Cristina's Avatar

    Cristina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by igrec View Post
    Bine ai revenit Dya.
    Cum ai petrecut draga mea ? Eu ultimele 2 zile am stat in pat, raceala asta (sau gripa, cine naiba stie?) isi cam face de cap. Dupa 35 de ore de stat in pat nu am mai rezistat si m-am ridicat sa ma misc.

    Cristina, tu cum ai petrecut ?
    Toate bune si frumoase prin Timisoara ? Dar prin Bucuresti Dya ?

    Sarutmiinile si o seara placuta (dimineata, o cafea placuta !)
    Hey there! Nu pot sa cred ca iari esti bolnavior.. Eu zic ca cel mai bun remediu e undeva in sud.. dar nu peste noua mari si noua tari..ceva mai aproape..aerul ala cica face bine..:P
    Eu sunt ok...am trandavit weekendul asta..aveam nevoie dupa o saptamana de stres si munca.Sunt foarte incarcata la lucru in perioada asta...La Timisoara e vreme urata dar imi convine..am motiv sa nu ies din casa.
    De maine o iau din loc..iara-i luni..uff..cum trec zilele..
    Pusi, pusi!!
  17. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dya View Post
    Neata! Ai nimerit-o cu cafeaua ca acum dimineata am citit mesajul tau

    Iar esti bolnav?! Suna cunoscut: cred c-am bolit de 4 ori in ultimile 3 luni! La anu sigur ma vaccinez. Poate o avea macar un efect psihologic!

    De petrecut am petrecut bine, multumesc de intrebare. A fost o vacanta frumoasa, pacat ca s-a terminat prea repede.
    Neata. Da mai, uite ca iar m-a lovit raceala, si nu stiu cum ! Asta e problema... Ca nu stiu cum... Daca am crezut ca ma duc azi la scoala, a fost o "dorinta" poate... Caci m-am trezit cu niste dureri de cap, de credeam ca mi se crapa teasta.
    Ce vaccinari ? Nu-s bune deloc alea... Bine zici, poate doar psihologic, insa eu nu cred ca-s bune nici acolo.
    Cu placere de intrebare.
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  18. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Cristina View Post
    Hey there! Nu pot sa cred ca iari esti bolnavior.. Eu zic ca cel mai bun remediu e undeva in sud.. dar nu peste noua mari si noua tari..ceva mai aproape..aerul ala cica face bine..
    Eu sunt ok...am trandavit weekendul asta..aveam nevoie dupa o saptamana de stres si munca.Sunt foarte incarcata la lucru in perioada asta...La Timisoara e vreme urata dar imi convine..am motiv sa nu ies din casa.
    De maine o iau din loc..iara-i luni..uff..cum trec zilele..
    Pusi, pusi!!
    Buna Cristina. Mai, uite ca m-a lovit. Astept 1 Martie ca sa incep pregatirea pentru Sport la Bac (suplimente de vitamine etc)
    Nu... Fara greci de data asta ! Te rog... Abia m-am vindecat, nu vreau

    Apropos ! Va dedic din tot sufletul melodia de la Voltaj-Jur !
    [pe mine cel putin ma face sa ma apuc de munca, de invatat, de facut curat, de toate; numai ca inainte... / lasa ca ascultati voi versurile ]

    Pupici ieseni !
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  19. skr's Avatar

    skr said:


    How to translate "one&only"? "unu&singur"?
  20. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    one&only = unicul şi singurul
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...